Black Friday and Cyber Monday

By Melody Granier

Black Friday is the Friday who following Thanksgiving day in the United States, tradition the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. This year, it is November 25.

Black Friday, is a very good deal, because everything is on sale.
Freshman Brandon  Gouker,  Sophomore Kenzie Haenes  and Sophomore Grace Stokes  are of the same opinion. Gouker says “Yes it is a great deal; it gives me more time to relax,” Haenes says “It is a good deal, low price and more stuff,” Stokes says, “It is the best time to shop.” How can we not think that’s a good deal, when you can buy things on sale for more than half the price.
Everywhere in the United States, on the Black Friday, thousands of people are busy, whether to buying or selling. And where will some people shop ? Big places ? The store next to your house ? Or maybe online. Sophomore Kristi Pacheco, goes to “every store there is and everywhere”, Sophomore Kenzie Haenes  goes usually in Miami, and Freshman Stefania Summers , stay in Plymouth. But whatever the places, the location, good deals are everywhere and the more important to find what we want. The first thing people buy is clothes and just after is electronics, high tech. But all this would be too easy if it were that simple. Best deals leave the first ones. The most beautiful clothes and the cheapest televisions too. Suddenly, everyone hurries. People get up very early to be outside the shop, glued to the screens and be the first inside. Often, this looks like a war and the end of the day, was a battlefield. Sometimes, people get mad and completely euphoric. Other people captive, eliminating less concerned by Black Friday rises a little later. So we have several cases like Lexi Dean and Kristi Pacheco get up at 4:00 a.m. or Freshman Brandon Gouk , which rises at 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. sometimes. Stefania Summers, stays awake all day and all night the day before Black Friday.In addition, this day is perfect to start Christmas shopping. All at reduced prices, thus we can, for the same amount of money to get a lot more stuff.
However, everyone does not take advantage of this opportunity. As Sophomore Emily Blake , said “I look for myself” or Sophomore Kenzie Haenes, who said “Not usually.” Others take advantage, Lexie Dean said “Yes, it’s a lot cheaper and you can get a lot.” She’s right. While good advice, make a list beforehand and catch good opportunities ! The Monday after Black Friday is called Cyber Monday, simply because the sales continues and on the net ! Still occasions, prices cheap, the price breaks, discount … It is even easier to acquires something on the internet because we can do targeted searches. In addition, we avoid the crowded stores. For those unable to move, or not liking the movements of euphoric crowds shopper can then quietly home.
So whatever your preferences, on the ground or on the sofa, regulars or not, as Senior Calvin Eads says “ I have never gone before, but I’m planning on doing it this year ,” so students, stuff and faculty, enjoy your sales weekend and find the good opportunities.

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