By Pauline Dagaas
Although memorizing the spellings of thousands of words stands as a challenging assignment, the Plymouth High School Spell Bowl team is more determined than ever to succeed. Qualifiers for the 2010 Indiana State Spell Bowl tournament, this group has already shown success in their improvement over the years and have also gained several personal benefits along the way.
Having already won their first competition at Northwood High School, the PHS Spell Bowl Team continued on to the Regional Tournament on October 18. This event alone would determine whether they would advance or if their season was at a close. When asked about her personal opinion of this year’s team, Sophomore Kelsey Schnieders replied, “I think we’ll make it to state.” After nine long rounds of spelling at regionals, the Spell Bowl team anxiously awaited the state-wide postings to find out if they truly did succeed. With a score of 71, Kelsey Schnieders’ prediction was correct. Not only did they qualify for state, and were ranked 3rd statewide, this team also broke a school record, being the first group ever from Plymouth High School to proceed to
state in Academic Spell Bowl.
In spite of their many achievements, this group of students worked hard to earn all they accomplished. Practicing every Wednesday afternoon, these spellers have been studying meticulously. And with a list of over 3000 words to memorize, the task is easier said than done. “[The most challenging part] is studying. It’s really time consuming and there are so many words,” says sophomore Tori Godwin. Although this extracurricular does pose a challenge, many are more than happy to oblige. “I joined last year and it was really fun, so I wanted to join again,” she adds.
With words such as ‘pince-nez’ and ‘tritrotoluene’, these students have, without a doubt, expanded their vocabulary. Junior Zack Mahan remarks, “I now know more words that I can use everyday.” Younger brother Nate Mahan also comments, “It’s improved mymarks, “I now know more words that I can use everyday.” Younger brother Nate Mahan also comments, “It’s improved my vocabulary so I sound like an expert.”
However, the benefits stretch far more than broadening ones terminology. “[My favorite part] is getting to meet new people!” Rachael Garcia is new to the Spell Bowl team this year, but is proud of her decision to join. “I used to think people would think I’m lame if I joined, but now I don’t care,” she states. Senior Garcia enjoys the opportunity to better know her peers, a definite pro which factored into her decision to become a part of the team. In addition, this activity also stands as a great academic extracurricular to add to college resumes.
Leading the way to state is English teacher and current coach of the team, Mrs. Amy Schmeltz. Once a Spell Bowl member herself in both middle school and high school at John Glenn, she understands the competition. “My high school team achieved state championships all four years. They are the team we will have to beat in order to win state,” she says. Despite the tough opponents, Mrs. Schmeltz uses her past experience to enlighten and guide the Spell Bowl students of PHS. While she does help members practice for their upcoming competitions, she also hopes they gain much more than a vast vocabulary. “I hope they learn that hard work really does pay off”, she states.
This year’s team has already won NLC and will be the first in school history to travel to state. The tournament will be held at Purdue University on November 13. Though they are competing against various schools throughout the state, the Plymouth High School Spell Bowl team is dedicated, shows promise, and may just win the state trophy they very much deserve.