Lights! Camera! Action! Students & Faculty Meet the Stars

By Samantha Howard

Lights! Camera! Action! Red and black carpets roaming the floor with an endless destination. Flashes of light and screams of joy from people standing around. Welcome to the lifestyles of the rich and the famous.

With glamor and glitz, it’s enough for any one to wish for their life. Looking through  the eyes of fans, where would many  be without the inspiration and courage many actors, comedians, athletes, and musicians provide. With so much admiration for those on the big screen and from the speakers of one’s music player, what would one do if they actually came face to face with someone of such importance? Confidence is key, is what many may tell to those hoping to meet someone “special”. Some even may practice what they hope to say, but when reality hits, all the words and one’s thought process jams and things get thrown into a jumble.

Many students and faculty have had the opportunity to meet some well known faces from around the world. “It was pretty awesome, I’ve always been a huge fan of his,” Librarian Mr. Mayer stated about meeting stand up comedian and actor Brian Posehn. “[He was at] Jukebox Comedy Club in Peoria, Illinois. He did a show there.” Mayer recalls. “[I was in] the right place at the right time. My cousin lived there and I went to visit and heard a radio commercial that he was playing that night, then after the show he did an unexpected meet and greet.” Not only was Mr. Mayer lucky enough to meet someone’s work he enjoys, but he had the once in a lifetime chance to have a chat. “[It was] just a quick one of “ hey man you’re awesome, great set tonight”. “Thanks” and whatnot from him,” Mayer informs those reading about the mini-conversation he had with Posehn. Though Mayer had the opportunity to meet and talk with Posehn, he wishes it could have lasted longer. “I wish I could have talked longer but there was a line of people and everyone had to move quickly.”

Meeting those who brighten up your day with smart-witted and ecstatical laughter and jokes can make any fan smile with glee. Meeting a band, or individual members, that has inspired many, given many reasons to look forward, and given an impression of admiration, may have an everlasting impact. Catching up with Senior Autumn Grant, Senior Ashley Taylor, and Sophomore Karl Pogue, The Plymouth Perspective had the chance to talk about their exciting experiences.  Distance was not a problem for Pogue and Grant who were lucky enough to travel a short distance to Ft. Wayne. “I was really excited [to meet her], cuz I use to sing her songs all the time,” Grant recalls about meeting Leann Rimes. Pogue’s reaction was more simplistic…”This is rad,” Pogue stated about meeting Psychostick, although the meet and greet came as a surprise. “I thought they were way more famous than they actually are.” Included in the meet and greets they received, they were able to stop a second and enjoy exchanging information. “I remember saying ‘hi’, but nothing else. It was so long ago!!” Grant remembers about her experience. Pogue’s conversation went a bit further. [The conversation] included my and their music, the other bands that were playing, and I asked about some band history.”

Taylor also had the pleasure to discuss some topics with the band she met. “[I met] Aaron Gillspie from Underoath at Warped Tour 2008.” “It was really cool to meet someone from a band whose music I really enjoy.” she comments. Similar to Mayer, meeting one of the bands she likes came up unexpected. “It happened that I was just lucky to be where I was, when I was.” Although the experience for her was great, she wishes her ‘conversation’ was elongated. ”It wasn’t much of a conversation, but we talked a bit about what their music meant. I wish I would have had more time to ask questions,” she states.

To grasp hold of the meet and greet, many like to have memorabilia as a reminder of a great experience. “I took a small poster (shhhhh…) off the wall and had him sign it, since it was advertising his show,” Mayer comments about his special memorabilia with meeting Brian Posehn. Pogue and Taylor gladly also received autographs from their encounters. “[I got] a ticket the band signed,” Pogue states, whereas Taylor had a t-shirt ready to go. “[I have] a t-shirt that is signed by Aaron and other members of bands.” Getting an autograph would fulfill many fans  of celebrities, but when given the chance, photos are worth a thousand words. On meeting Leann Rimes, “I have a picture of us together,” Grant states.

Sometimes meeting one famous person one admires is not complete satisfaction. Although Taylor met some members of a band,  wishes she could some day meet Hugh Laurie. “His role as House makes me laugh so much; I want to see how he feels about his role as an actor.” Mayer would also like to meet an actor [George Clooney]  in the near future. “He’s my favorite actor. Plus you can just tell he’s someone you could have a dinner and a conversation with and he wouldn’t be a jerk.” Grant too mentioned that she would like to meet a couple famous faces. “I would like to meet Rob Dyrdeck or Andy Samburg, because they are both hilarious. Rob does crazy, funny stuff. Andy is probably my favorite actor. I love the movie Hot Rod that he’s in!”

With all the millions of fans, and free things everywhere you go, it makes many wonder why it is that people get all worked up on meeting a celebrity. “We see them as being special/better than others.” Taylor logically states. Mayer takes a similar approach, “Just the fact that they are rich and famous, when most of the population is not.” Though conscious of our irrational thoughts and behaviors, we continue to act this way towards the “rich and famous’. “We see them as being on a pedestal because of the money they have; we only see their wealth.” Taylor concludes.

Getting the inside scoop from our favorite celebs seems natural for us, but for others it goes too far. Paparazzi can be to thank or at fault at getting the latest gossip and photos. Though many criticize paparazzi, many give thanks to those who don’t invade private lives. “To a certain extent they can be fine, but for someone like Brittany Spears for example, who [they] never leave alone, they need to respect their privacy.” Pogue relates. Whereas Taylor and Mayer both agree on an answer with “invasion of privacy.”

Though paparazzi are known for getting chaotic, regular fans also have their moments. When it comes to dedication, some are willing to do whatever it takes to be able to meet that special celebrity. “I have heard of people throwing themselves on stage just to touch the ‘famous’ person.” Taylor recalls. Throwing yourself onstage may just be a vicious attempt for attention, but Mayer remembers an even crazier tale. “ [John Hinckly Jr] tried to assassinate President Reagan to impress actress Jodie Foster. That’s like a whole new level of crazy.”

Fan bases for many different positions in Hollywood, from musician to stand up comedians will always be around for fans to enjoy. Dreams may come to reality when a meet and greet is thrown one’s way. Whether or not many will actually achieve meeting a famous face to just dreaming of the encounter is based on luck and determination. With glamor and glitz, it’s enough for any one to wish for their life, but without them, life would almost seem…unnatural.

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