To Celebrate, Key Club Members Volunteered on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

PHS Key Club did something different to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The Key Club members volunteered for the day at schools, The Boys and Girls Club, as well as other organizations. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz

By: Patricia Ortiz

On January 15, the U.S. celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The PHS Key Club did something very special to celebrate this holiday.  The PHS Key Club volunteered at multiple locations around Plymouth to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Junior Nicole Splix explains that members went to, “all of the elementary schools, Riverside, and places around the community, including the Humane Society and the Boys and Girls Club.”  The places where the members went to was selected by the members themselves.  Some members chose to go to their old schools to see teachers or friends and family.

The Key Club members who went to the schools to volunteer helped the teachers.  Senior Kylie Ludwig volunteered at Webster Elementary.  According to Ludwig, she and Danielle Becktel helped with paper work.  She said, that, “We mainly bonded with the kids.  We went to recess, lunch, and gym with them.  It was awesome!”  Helping the teachers in any way possible was basically what the students did.  Not only did they help grade papers, but they also helped the students with their activities.  Freshman Cassie Quissell says that she and the fifth grade class did, “an area and perimeter worksheet.”  Junior Kurt Corsbie was also another member that volunteered at an elementary school.  He says that he helped the students by helping, “teach class and helped the third graders individually.”  Sophomore Kameron Markovich was a Key Club member that went to the Boys and Girls Club of Marshall county to volunteer.  According to Markovich his volunteering activities were to sweep, dry and mop, “the gym floors.  Also, I cleaned the weight-lifting room.”

Freshman Allie Wright says that the main purpose of volunteering on Martin Luther King Jr.  day was that, “MLK day is Martin Luther King Day, and in memory of him, people around the world take a day to just do things for others.”

Martin Luther King Jr. Day was not only a time to volunteer and help the community, but it also allowed the students to have fun while helping.  This experience certainly led to lots of fun and great memories that the members of Key Club will forever cherish.   Students that helped with Martin Luther King Jr. day had a favorite part of their experience volunteering.  Splix says that her favorite part about volunteering was, “knowing that I was helping teachers get things done that they don’t necessarily have time for.”  Ludwig’s favorite part about volunteering for Martin Luther King Jr. Day was being with the kids.  She says that she developed a bond with a little girl with her same last name.  Ludwig adds that the little girl was so funny and that she even saved her a seat at lunch.  Then Ludwig says that, “after all the kids left that day, I left her [a] note so she would find it the next day.  Mrs. Becktel said that first Kylie found the note and was so excited and was bragging to all the kids in the class.  It makes me happy to be a type of role model for the kids.”

The Key Club Members said that they would all go back and volunteer again for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  Missing one day of school may have put these students behind, but they had so much fun that they would not mind doing it all over again.  Quissell said that she, “would love to re-experience this because I had such a great time, and loved hanging around the little kids.”  Markovich said that he would most definitely like to do this again.  He said that volunteering for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, “was actually a lot of fun.”

Martin Luther King Jr. was celebrated on Monday January 16. To celebrate MLK Day Key club did something very special. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz

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