Students’ Travels Over the Summer

Mrs. Portteus and daughter Libby enjoy the view of the island while riding a tandem bike. Photo provided by: Mrs. Portteus

By Michaela Moreno

Traveling, soaking up the sun, and living freely is what summer vacation is known for. As students and faculty get back into their routines, they like to sit back and think about those memorable two months of summer.

Although Senior Marissa Sullivan didn’t go anywhere far, she did go to Muncie for a week for the softball world series. “My team ended up getting third place out of 98 teams,” Sullivan says with a smile.

For most of the summer, Junior Diana Baca spent her days in Mexico. “My favorite moment was two days before I came back home, there was a small festival in the town where I stayed, and it was really interesting,” Baca said.

Surprising things can occur in two months. Students can come across celebrities or even the President. When Junior Kurt Corsbie was asked if he met anyone special/important he replied,”No, I wish.”  Coincidentally Sullivan replied the same thing. It appears that  Plymouth High School students  were let down this summer.

Freedom! Sunshine! The beach! These are just a few things that describe a typical student’s summer. “Yeah-Woo!” is how Freshman Elizabeth Portteus describes her summer experience. Corsbie, on the other hand, describes his vacation as simply “summer.”

When it comes to summer vacation, students can have the time of their lives or hate every minute of it. “I most definitely enjoyed summer because it took me out of my usual routine at home, and I got to meet some new people,” replied Baca. Sullivan said,”Yes I loved my summer so much and wish it was still here. I got a lot closer with my friends and made so many great memories that I will never forget.”

Now school is back in session and everyone is back into routine . First day jitters are over and done with and summer is a memory. But during those wonderful two months Sullivan did not miss school. “School? Not so much, but the people I missed.” she commented.

At last, students say goodbye to the long days of sunshine and pull out those jackets; maybe sit by the fireplace and share summer experiences while they look forward to the next arrival of summer vacation.

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