The School Undergoes Renovations

The media hallway glows with its new paint job and lights. Photo by: Layne Holloway

By Layne Holloway

The halls are brighter, and the doors have a new black trim. This summer some minor renovations took place. Some students share their opinions and for those who do not know the inside details, Mr. Condon is here to take the readers behind the scenes.

Over the summer, some things have changed at the high school. As you may have noticed in the morning while entering the school, some workers have been on the roof putting their blood, sweat, and tears into a newer, leak-free roof. New coats of paint have been applied on the main first floor hallways to give a brighter look to the old school. Also motion activated lights called sensory lights now replace the old ones in the hallway. The ceiling in the auxiliary gym has a new undercoat, and to really put the full effect of going Mac, the permanent PCs have been removed and the sever has had work done. New carpet has been added to give the classrooms a more updated feel. There is also a new phone system.

“Most of the cosmetic changes to the building were long overdue…”, says Mr. Condon, principal of PHS. No need to worry about the desktops though. Those were taken to Riverside to help the teachers and students there. He also states, “We had simply outgrown our old phone system and a new system was necessary to meet our needs.”

When it comes to the overall feeling/look of the school, Traci Longanecker explains, “I am on the high school gymnastics team and they got hot tar on our floor and that caused a huge problem.” Brandon Gouker says, “It was kinda dark and bland.” On the other hand these students can agree on one thing: the renovations also have its benefits. For example, how it is brighter and how the school looks better. Many compliments have been given about the state-of-the-art hallways.

Mr. Condon would like to thank the PHS custodial staff for working hard, getting work done in time for the school year and would like to note that their work behind the scenes should not go unnoticed. In addition to the custodial staff, the PHS technology department deserves a big thanks for sticking with us through thick and thin.

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