Señora Wendt Travelled to Peru Over the Summer

Mrs. Wendt standing on top of the city Machu Picchu. Photo provided by: Mrs. Wendt

By Layne Holloway

Some may have heard that Señora Constancia Wendt took a little vacation this summer. For a flashback to summer, listen to what she has to say about her Peru getaway.

“I went to three places in Peru…,”Señora Wendt explains. “First I went to Lima, the capital. My first night there, I got to go to a wedding.” She also goes on to explain that the second night she went to a show that had dancers that came far and wide from everywhere in the country. The show lasted for eight hours. 

Her second destination was to Machu Picchu. She accompanied friends that live there already. Señora Wendt said, “I had been wanting to go there for ages, so I had a magnificent time. We toured the ruins and took a hike up Huaynapicchu, a mountain that is 8,920 feet high.” When first laying eyes on one of the seven wonders of the world, she cried. She says when she first stepped in, she was so overwhelmed by the massive size. “I have seen mountains before, even lived near them, but the mountains there are SO huge and magnificent that it made me realize just how awesome God’s creations are,” said Señora Wendt. Having been to Peru and not Machu Picchu she comments on how it was unlike anything she has experienced.

“Leaving for Peru was easy because I was so excited. It was hard leaving my kids behind, though. Coming back was difficult because I didn’t know when I would get to see my friends again. Also, I prefer the lifestyle in South America so it was hard coming back to the U.S. for that reason,” said Señora Wendt. Being a mother it is natural to want to stay with her kids at all times, but she definitely does not regret the people she has met, the things she has learned, and the trip all together.

The main reason for this trip was to learn afroperuvian dance. Having been around for years, Señora Wendt had great teachers who have taught her a thing or two. The dance is barefoot and percussion only. Not just sticking to the dance floor, Señora Wendt turned to the band and tried to learn the instruments. Being an amateur on the drums she did not advance far in the skill but did manage to prove herself in the dances. In the end, she was able to give a performance with the couple of dances she learned.

With adventure flowing through her veins, Señora Wendt ventured to the unknown. When it comes to food Señora Wendt said, “I tried a couple new foods that are unique to that area, like guinea pig and alpaca. Both tasted okay, but it was hard getting past the idea, so I just took one bite!”

Knowing English, Spanish, Portuguese and some sign language and being able to use at least one on her trip was a delight. Señora Wendt says, “I have a passion for Portuguese, and on the plane I sat by a Brazilian couple and also on our tour bus, I sat with three Brazilian women. It was the first time I really got to use Portuguese in a real-life setting.”

Dancing, trying new foods, and experiencing things with friends, as well as leaving the country alone might be a challenge, but Señora Wendt would encourage everyone to live life and experience the world.

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