Pilgrim Perspective Reporter: Olivia VanBuskirk


Olivia VanBuskirk is a freshman and aspiring content creator at Plymouth High School.

This is her first year in Student Publications as well as her first year in PBL (Project Based Learning). She feels that she would do well in Student Publications because she enjoys writing, especially stories. She feels that the class would help sharpen her writing skills as well as giving her some photography skills. She also feels that being in PBL would improve her writing skills as well.

VanBuskirk was born in Indianapolis before her family moved to Pennsylvania. At 13, her family moved back to Indiana. She has a large number of hobbies, many of them artistic. These hobbies include writing, drawing, singing, listening to music, and spending time with friends.

VanBuskirk is ambitious, with many dreams for the future. Potential career options for her include being an actress, singer, teacher, writer, or a Youtuber. She has been looking into the equipment needed for creating YouTube content. As far as her other career options, VanBuskirk has been looking into Ball State University as a potential option for helping her get started in one of those fields.

“It is a good school, kinda cheap, and has multiple things to offer,” VanBuskirk said.

A school that has a high quality education while maintaining an affordable tuition is an attractive school to most students, including her. She also believes that the school’s many course options will enable to her to finalize a decision on what career to pursue.

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