By Lisa Carnegie
Freshmen (Jewel) Jay Marie Brown is 15 years old and attends Plymouth High School. Her favorite food is ice cream, and her favorite color is orange. Something very interesting about Jay is that she lost her last baby tooth this year. That is not all, she tried out for wrestling this year and actually participated in it as well. Her favorite Showland snack would have to be popcorn. Her hobbies are softball and weightlifting. Her favorite thing to do on the weekends is to be on the Internet. She has one male cat named Mitten.
She is not a big fan of high school; she thinks there are too many expectations. Her favorite teacher is Mr. Davis because he is one teacher that has personal connections with students. Her best subject is math, yet her favorite is English because she loves to write and read. Her favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip; she goes to Mooney’s all the time to get it. Orange is her favorite color because it means happiness. She is a very fun, giggly person so the color fits her well. Her last baby tooth came out this year; usually people lose their last baby tooth at a much younger age. She was having some pain so she went to the dentist to find out that she still has one last baby tooth. At the age of 15, Jay had her baby tooth taken out. She was kind of embarrassed, but did not think it was that big of a deal.
Something else very interesting about her is that she tried out for wrestling and even made the team. They did not let her go through with it though because she had a high risk of getting injured because of her lack of experience. Every time she goes to Showland to watch a movie, she must have their popcorn with extra butter. Her hobbies consist of softball and weight lifting. Her position is center field, and she loves to be in the outfield because she is the one who makes the most important plays that everyone remembers. In weightlifting, she can bench 100 pounds and she likes to squat and do the platform.
When it comes to the weekend, she enjoys browsing the Internet, mostly making and watching videos. She loves to watch other peoples videos and give them feedback. Her cat Mitten is going on 10 years old and is a fat tan cat that loves to cuddle.