Learning More About Returning Editor Alicia Sanchez

Getting back into the swing of things, Alicia finishes her article as well as helps her group with their work. Photo by: Janessa Salazar

Getting back into the swing of things, Alicia finishes her article as well as helps her group with their work. Photo by: Janessa Salazar

By Janessa Salazar

Returning journalism editor Alicia Sanchez has not always wanted to become an editor, but has wanted to become more than a journalistic writer.

Although she has lived in Plymouth her whole life, Alicia has visited Dallas, Texas and went on vacation to Mexico and Georgia. Even though she has been to all these places, she really wants to visit Italy or Japan sometime in the future.

Traveling and social media sites are just some of many things that make Alicia happy. Her favorite website is Tumblr because of the way they embrace everyone for who they are. Alicia said that, “the minorities are the ones that are accepted” on Tumblr. Family is another thing that makes her happy. With two siblings and a nephew she is never bored. She used to play video games with her family but recently has not had the time due to her school work and their jobs.

In school she has returned to journalism this trimester as a junior editor, but this wasn’t her only reason coming back. Alicia said that she took this class to begin with because she “needed to develop good writing skills.”  She returned to journalism class because she likes Mrs. Gifford and the class in general. She said, “I like writing, especially when I get to choose my article.” When she is not writing though, she is usually reading a book if she has free time. She does not have an actual favorite book, she said that, “My favorite book is actually a collection of short stories. Halo: Evolutions is written by multiple authors and it’s pretty good.”

If she had to live with only one food choice,  she chose “salads because there are many different kinds of salads and there is a mixture of items.”   As her reflection on salads,  her thought process leads to things not thought of, for instance she said once that, “Humans know more about the surface of the moon and Mars than they do about the depths of the Earth’s oceans.”

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