Robotics Club at PHS

This is one of the toolboxes that students in robotics club has access to. With these toolboxes students at PHS construct robots to enter in competitions.

This is one of the toolboxes that students in robotics club has access to. With these toolboxes students at PHS construct robots to enter in competitions. Photo By: Sharon Oviedo


By: Sharon Oviedo Robotics has revolutionized the world and can be seen in several places. The Robotics Club at Plymouth High School gives students the opportunity to design and create robots to compete in tournaments.

Tournaments are not all robotics is known for. There is a vast amount of uses for robotics in the world. It can be used to save lives, assist people, and expand the capabilities of people. Robotics can be seen in people’s everyday lives. The use of robotics has improved throughout the years and have even improved the productivity of people around the globe. Junior Alex Fox says,” They are used in scrap yards, factories, garbage trucks, construction, and so many more places.” Places like these have developed and enhanced the ways people do these jobs.

This is the mat where students can try out the robots they have designed. Students try to move the cubes and maneuver their robot skillfully. Photo by: Sharon Oviedo

This is the mat where students can try out the robots they have designed. Students try to move the cubes and maneuver their robot skillfully. Photo by: Sharon Oviedo


Unfortunately the process of developing these robots is long and full of mistakes. It takes time and patience to create pieces of machinery that complete its purpose. There are several different elements to consider when constructing complicated pieces of machinery. For example the cadding, materials, and programming are things that must kept in mind when building the robot. According to Fox, “It’s very interesting, but it can be stressful at times.” Others such as freshman Nathaniel Shaefar have simply said “no” about the process of creating a robot. Although the procedure is long the outcome is good.


Each piece of machinery is important and in turn the entire machine serves a purpose. These robots not only serve its main purpose but also provide people jobs. The people that make these robots are helping people by expanding their capabilities and making harder jobs easier for people to do.  Students at PHS are considering a career in robotics such as Shaefar who says, “Yes, because I like using and building robots.” People such as these work to improve the functioning of the human race. As of right now, robotics is seen used daily and throughout the world. Soon in the future it can as Wojcik says,” be the key to some problems that are huge now but may not be in the future.” Other opinions such as Fox claim,”I think that robotics will be used in almost everything we do in just a few years from now.” It is safe to say as the years go by so will the use of robotics in daily life.
Different people in PHS have come together because they are all interested in the same thing. Whether they come to like robotics because of an older sibling, a friend recommended it to them, or they just have a curiosity about how robotics works. They have come together to build, design, cad, and create pieces of machinery to compete in competitions and simply experience robotics. Overall Robotics Club at PHS has given the chance to several students to connect and make friends from their interest in robotics.

Here is one of the robots that a robotics team have created. The team that has designed and made the robot is 586 E.

Here is one of the robots that a robotics team have created. The team that has designed and made the robot is 586 E.

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