PHS Awaits the Change Next Year into Semesters

By: Noemy Almendarez

From kindergarten to eighth grade students have been used to semesters, until they reached Plymouth High School where they are accustomed to trimesters. But all is going to change in the next school year as PHS announced they would be adopting the semester system.

It’s hard to get use to new things. Junior Krysta Cantero said, “I do think we should stay in trimesters because that’s what I’m used to and I want to keep it that way.” Others don’t mind if there is change like sophomore Megan Cooper said, “I like both, it doesn’t really matter to me.”

Along with semesters coming to PHS, there will also be other changes such as shorter class periods and more class hours. Freshmen Summer Smith said that a disadvantage of semesters is “Shorter periods of time going to school and more breaks.”

Changing to semesters comes with advantages and disadvantages, at PHS the students have argued for both sides. Smith said that one advantage of semesters is that it “Breaks more often.” Junior Chandaire Schuler said, “The advantages of semesters would be that each school system would be on the same break schedule.” As there are good things there are also bad things about semesters. One disadvantage about semesters is that “semesters have less variety of class choices and more class periods,” said Schuler. As well as less class choices Cantero said, “the classes will be shorter. “
Having trimesters also has its advantages and disadvantages. Schuler said, “The advantages of trimesters are that we are already familiar with the schedule and starting over will cause a slower process.“ Senior Skyler Detrick said that with trimesters they have “plenty of time to do harder classes, such as Algebra II.” For some students trimesters are much easier. Smith said, that having trimesters is “less stressful and your in school more often.”

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