A new trimester means new journalism students. The students come from all different backgrounds. Read on to find out all about the new writers.
Each new journalism student has a new perspective on writing. Freshman journalist Sandra Kunze shows the school a look into the fine arts and photography. She said, “I decided to take journalism because I want a career in writing and photography.” Kunze also said, “I dance, sing, draw, and I am into poetry but I’m into more like stories and point of view writing.” Kunze is a more casual person not to secluded but not to outgoing. She says, “I don’t like boring office personality.”
Another student in journalism this trimester is Sophomore Noemi Almendarez. Almendarez describes herself as a “loud crazy person, I know who I am and aren’t bothered by peoples’ comments, I hate judging, I am strong and I do what I want to do.” Almendarez said that not many people know she sings and is learning how to play the drums. She joined the journalism class because Mrs. Ipple told her it would be a good way to get the credits. When interviewing students for her article Almendarez said, “it was hard because they talked to me in Spanish and I had to transfer it to English and some of the words they said weren’t in English. They were nice and patient even though one gave more answers than others.”
Freshman Abbigail Rose is very interested with writing. Although the writing style may be different than what she is used to, she she said she was excited because “we actually get to write stories…and we get to interview people.” Not only in journalism, Rose also participates in PGSA club runned by Ms. Wezeman, rides fourwheelers, and can’t decide her favorite color between pink, red, purple.

New students Maria, Elia, Stephanie, and Abbigail all working to finish uploading their pictures and getting ready to publish their new articles. Photo by: Janessa Salazar
A sophomore as well, Jamie Baca has never done a lot of writing before. He says that, “…the writing that I do write is creative writing.” Not only is he creative in his writing he also likes to play video games and do animation work. Other interesting things Baca likes is the country France. Being in this class Baca says that “we get to talk to people and ask them questions.” Baca is not the only sophomore in journalism; Elia Figueroa is new to the class and is also in tenth grade.
Figueroa likes to play soccer and sometimes cooks when she is not in school. Figueroa describes herself as “fun and loud sometimes. ” If she could go to any country in the world her choice would be Rome, Italy and her favorite color is blue. Even though she joined journalism because she thought it would be fun, Figueroa says, “I don’t really like to write but when I do want to write I like to write about random stuff.”
Our newest addition to the journalism team is sophomore Heather Samanie. Samanie loves to write and does all kinds of writing. She says her favorite book is Unnamed by Joshua Ferris. Samanie describes herself as a quiet extrovert. She said if she could go any where in the world it would be London, England and if she could only eat one food for the rest of her life it would be french fries.
With each new member comes a new story to add to journalism class.