Winter Cheerleading

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By Maddie Miller

The winter cheerleaders perform at basketball games, and some other things that they do are fundraisers. While they do not have a fundraiser in the winter, they have one in the summer that all of the cheerleaders participate in. They sell cookie dough, and the money goes towards uniforms, poms, and shoes.

“Cheerleading is a good way to interact with your friends, do something you enjoy, and just have fun,” said freshman Julia Patrick.  Patrick believes that her favorite thing about cheerleading is “running laps when we all mess up.”  

Freshman Kaitlyn Carothers said that her favorite thing about being a cheerleader is “seeing my friends everyday, and getting to do something that I enjoy.”

Freshman Annalise Barden said, “My favorite thing about being a cheerleader being able to cheer on the boys and get the- crowd somewhat hyped.” Cheerleading can be a shared family sport. Annalise Barden’s sister, senior Kaylie Barden, also said that she enjoys interacting with the crowd.

She said, “like being able to be right on the court/field at all times, and firing up our crowd and student section. I love when we dance, and I love being able to just be myself out on the court/field. I’m sad this season is my last season, but so happy that I could be a part of it. I highly recommend trying out for anyone who might be interested. You won’t regret it.”

Swim to be in Good Shape

Any student who loves water and wants to stay in shape for other sports should consider swimming and diving at PHS. Head coach, Mrs. Leanne Senter, said that she “expects about 25 [students] total.” Expect to see some familiar faces in the pool such as junior Lauren Wiegand, senior Brooke Wagner, freshman Bridget Schafer, sophomore Emily Cochern, freshman Alex Vancza, junior Trevor Grimmett, and sophomore Kirkland Hettich.

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Where is Willy Pilgrim?

This skirt made by Cheryl Ball is being displayed at the Marshall County History Museum. Photo By: Taylor Drake

This skirt made by Cheryl Ball is being displayed at the Marshall County History Museum. Photo By: Taylor Drake

By Taylor Drake

Around the 1960s Plymouth High School had a mascot named Willy Pilgrim. Willy would appear at basketball games during half time. He has recently been shown at the Marshall County History Museum on a spirit week skirt.

PHS alumnus Cheryl Ball, owner of the skirt, said, “Willy Pilgrim, was the mascot for Plymouth’s basketball team, because we were called the Plymouth Pilgrims. The football team was known as the Rockies and the yearbook was the Mayflower.  Willy was a little boy mannequin dressed as a young Pilgrim. They would stand him in the center of the court at home games during half time. I have recently heard that he was painted on a large poster and used in the 70’s.” Another PHS alumnus and former teacher Allen Shockney said, “PHS used to have a person dress as a Pilgrim and carry a fake blunderbuss (a gun from our early history) at home basketball games.  He would stand in the middle of the gym floor before games and at half time.”

Even after the research there is not much found about Willy Pilgrim, so if you have any information about him please contact