Two are Better than One

By Alexandria Schaffer

Mikayla and Marissa German can't help but smile when they're around each other. Photo by: Alexandria Schaffer

Whoever said “two was better than one,” was correct, especially for some students in our school. Plymouth High School is lucky enough to have to many sets of twins, especially in our Sophomore class. Marissa and Mikayla German, and Clay and Kurt Corsbie are just two prime examples of the many sets of twins in our school who live by this saying.

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La Galette des Rois: The King’s Cake (Recipe)

By Melody Granier

The story of La Gallete des rois (The King’s Cake) dates back to Roman times.
During the Pagan festival of Saturnalia, a King was named among the young soldiers. The lucky winner was then ordered to eat anything he wants. This tradition has evolved over the centuries, taking place on the day of Epiphany, or January 6. Epiphany is a Christian feast when the french celebrate the presentation of Jesus to the Magi.
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