By Melody Granier
The story of La Gallete des rois (The King’s Cake) dates back to Roman times.
During the Pagan festival of Saturnalia, a King was named among the young soldiers. The lucky winner was then ordered to eat anything he wants. This tradition has evolved over the centuries, taking place on the day of Epiphany, or January 6. Epiphany is a Christian feast when the french celebrate the presentation of Jesus to the Magi.
The principle of the cake today:
If people like or dislike the cake, it does not matter because they (french) are happy to join them family for sharing the moment together. The youngest child of the family is hiding under the table to allocate shares to all members present. Everyone then enjoys then share of the cake and whoever finds the charm is king or queen of the day. The Chosen One chooses a king or a queen, and gives him/her the crown.
- 1/2 cup ground almonds
- 1 stick butter
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk to glaze
- 2 sheets puff pastry
- 1/4 cup of sour cream
- 1/4 cup of sugar
- 1/4 milk
- 1 charm (hidden in cake eaten on 12th Night)
- 1 crown made of paper
Put the butter in the bottom of the dish so that the cake does not stick.
Have the first part of the puff pastry in the background, shape in circle.
Prick the dough with a fork.
Preparing the filling:
Mix soft butter, egg, milk, cream, almond powder, sugar together, until a liquid paste.
Place the homogeneous paste flat over the first layer of puff pastry. Place the charm (surprise) in t he dough, on the edges.
Place the other dough circle of puff pastry on top and seal the edges very tight.
With the egg yolk, paint the top of the cake, has for cooking the cake browns.
Bake at 410° F during 25 minutes minimum but do not hesitate to allow for up to 40 maximum if it is necessary. It is important to monitor it.