By Alexandria Schaffer

Mikayla and Marissa German can't help but smile when they're around each other. Photo by: Alexandria Schaffer
Whoever said “two was better than one,” was correct, especially for some students in our school. Plymouth High School is lucky enough to have to many sets of twins, especially in our Sophomore class. Marissa and Mikayla German, and Clay and Kurt Corsbie are just two prime examples of the many sets of twins in our school who live by this saying.
Even though twins Mikayla and Marissa German, and Kurt and Clay Corsbie do not do all of the same things together, they still realize that their lives would be completely different without one another. “I could not imagine life without Mikayla because she has been there my whole life,” Marissa German simply states, “It would not be the same without her.” “I know that I could not imagine my life without my twin, even though he is in sports all year round, he and I still hang out when we can,” Kurt Corsbie explains.
Being a twin has its advantages over having a regular sibling.” My favorite thing about being a twin is always having someone to talk to and have them always around when you need them the most,” Mikayla German exclaims. “We can help each other with school work that we can not figure out,” Clay Corsbie described.
Despite the many advantages, there are some disadvantages that comes with being a twin. “I do not like it how Mikayla always wears my clothes. I also hate it when she does not listen to me and when we fight,” Marissa explains. In much agreement with her sister Mikayla adds, “I hate the fights and the arguing that we do, and I would have to say above all the most challenging thing is getting along when we are in bad moods.” “He can get annoying, but he always says that I am the annoying one,” Kurt jokingly states, “However, I would have to say that the small arguments that we get in daily prove to be the most challenging thing.” Clay however claims “Truthfully the most annoying thing is having to put up with him trying to have everything and not sharing with me.”
Unlike regular siblings twins have to deal with constant annoyance of classmates assuming that they are one person. “I hate it when people get our names mixed, specially since we are not identical twins,” Mikayla exclaims. “Well, even though Clay and I are fraternal people still get us confused, and it can really get annoying,” Kurt shares. Parents unfortunately are not limited to this group of peers. “They used to dress us up exactly the same so no one could really tell us apart,” both Mikayla and Marissa state. “Our parents always make us share almost everything with one another,” Clay explains.
Even though they see each other every day at home, they still make time to hang out with their twin. “We sometimes play basketball or throw the Frisbee for fun, and also play x-box,” stated Clay. In much agreement with his twin Kurt explains “We usually play with a Frisbee in our yard.” Both Mikayla and Marissa agree that “ We play volleyball and basketball together. We also watch movies at home as well.”
As anyone can tell “two is definitely better than one,” for these twins. Even though they sometimes get on each others nerves they still demonstrate the true bonds of friendship. A friendship that can never be broken by either of them.
I thought this story was a really good read. Reading this makes me want to have a twin, because everyone needs someone they can talk to all the time about anything, even though they can be annoying sometimes.