What are your interests?

Sophomore Chad Martin is interested in football. He likes football, because it shows people that you can be small and still be good at football. Photo by: Jon Sommers

Sophomore Chad Martin is interested in football. He likes football, because it shows people that you can be small and still be good at football. Photo by: Jon Sommers

People from Plymouth High School have different interests that range from soccer to singing to softball.

Students from freshman to seniors, are interested in a variety of things. A multitude of students have more than one interest. For instance, Freshman Summer Smith said that she is interested in “English and Art.” Sophomore Leonardo Baca said, “What makes me happy is my family that cares for me and having great friends that support me. That’s what makes me happy.”

Baca said, “It makes me happy because you can share what you’ve learned with those people and that’s what I believe to be a

Jordan Kelly takes a photo in the english hallway at Plymouth High School. Photo by: Jon Sommers

Senior Jordan Kelly takes a photo in the english hallway at Plymouth High School. Photo by: Jon Sommers

priceless thing, moreover company is better than loneliness. Am I right?” He also said, “I am sure anyone who has experienced loneliness understands what I am talking about. It feels like everyone’s watching you and you’re very uncomfortable so you rush with your lunch.”

Sophomore Felicia Dixon said, “I love singing and theater.” Dixon also mentioned “I joined a school choir in 3rd grade. And I was in my first theatrical performance in 5th grade at Riverside.” Freshman Jennifer Monaca said that her interest is “Cosmetology. ” Monaca also said that “Cosmetology makes me happy because I could get very creative and I love trying it on other people to see how they look. I like to do it with myself, mother, sister and if a very close friend & that person knows that I am very good at it, than a friend.”

Senior Trevor Roberts said, ”I love dancing to Hip-Hop and Dub-Step.” Roberts also said, “It’s a way to express myself and how I feel.  Everyone has a way to and this is just my way of doing it.” Roberts also mentioned he “grew up around music and started to dance three years ago.” Roberts said that he was inspired by a dancer that he saw on YouTube.

Sophomore Shania Northern said that her interests are “softball and school spirit.” Northern also mentioned that she likes to “Dance, scream, have fun, run, hit, and catch balls.” Senior Jordan Kelly said that she enjoys “taking pictures because it is my hobby.”  Baca said, “I am interested in a lot of things, some of which I don’t even know and have yet to discover.”

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