Celebrity Influences Impact PHS Students

Sophomore Natalie Wright shows her love for Miley Cyrus by wearing merchandise from the Bangerz concert.

Sophomore Natalie Wright shows her love for Miley Cyrus by wearing merchandise from the Bangerz concert. Photo contributed by: Natalie Wright

By Krysta Cantero

The media portrays celebrity scandals and celebrities giving back to the community. Several of these celebrities may influence the actions of high school students at Plymouth High School.

Celebrities can be famous for many different reasons. Whether they inherited the spotlight or they worked hard to get there, there are people everywhere who want to be just like them. Countless have meltdowns and faults, and they still get supported by their fans. Whatever the case, they always have followers that strive for perfection to be like their favorite celebrity. Senior Nolan Wright said, “I try to copy my favorite celebrities.”

Senior Nolan Wright bleached his hair under the influence of celebrity Miley Cyrus. Photo contributed by: Nolan Wright

Senior Nolan Wright bleached his hair under the influence of celebrity Miley Cyrus. Photo contributed by: Nolan Wright

Some celebrities have a substantial impact on student’s lives. Only a small amount of students admit to being influenced by a celebrity. Freshman Kaila Himes said, “Celebrities have huge impacts on me. No matter what mood I am in every singer makes me happy. I think celebrities are really good people.”  Also influenced by a celebrity, Senior Cheyanne Schwertner said, “Musical celebrities, such as MGK, have a more unique influence. I was really influenced by him to live my life as if everyday was my last.”

Celebrities do certain actions that may make other people follow in their footsteps. Wright said, “I bleached my hair because Miley Cyrus did.” That is an extreme, but there are other little things that students may try to copy. Some of these actions may come with consequences. Schwertner said, “I would say YOLO when I was going to break a rule. After getting in trouble enough, I gave up that lifestyle because it was interfering in my future.”

Several students also claim that they do not like to be influenced by celebrities. Freshman Sierra Strickland said, “I don’t let celebrities influence me, or at least I try not to let them influence me. People make stupid decisions, and a lot of the times it’s focused more on when a celebrity makes a mistake. I choose not to pay attention to celebrities and their mistakes.” These are the thoughts of many students at PHS. Agreeing with Strickland, Senior Katie Sommors said, “Celebrities do not really have a huge influence on me. I do see a few of them as role models though.”

Whether people at PHS are influenced by celebrities or not, there are people out there that surely are. Hopefully students continue to have positive influences from celebrities.

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