Student Athletes Discuss What They do in the Off-Season

Many students work out in the weight room in their off-seasons. Photo by: Krysta Cantero

Many students work out in the weight room in their off-seasons. Photo by: Krysta Cantero

By Krysta Cantero

People always hear about how well athletes do during their seasons, but they may not know what happens in the preparation and training.

Different sports require different preparations in the off-seasons. Some students may be more persistent in preparing for their sport than others. Junior Layne Manns said, “I always want to [train], but I end up getting lazy.” Lacking work in the off-season, some athletes regret not training. Junior Matt Feece said, “I freak out because I’m in bad shape,” when talking about how he prepares himself when he is starting up a sport again. Other students work vigorously to become better in the off-season. Junior Carly Berger said, “I do strength training because in tennis you need strong legs and strong muscles and definitely a tough core.”

Some athletes go on diets in or out of their season. Senior Mack Mercer said, “I try and maintain my weight during season; however, off-season I begin to go on a higher calorie diet to gain sufficient weight.” Multiple athletes only watch what they eat during their sports, but when it comes to the off-season they binge. Freshman Michaela Meadors said, “When I am in a sport I try to eat healthier, which should always be my goal, but then when I am not in a sport I eat some junk food.”

Some athletes focus on their academics during their off-seasons. Photo by: Krysta Cantero

Some athletes like Jack Barron focus on their academics during their off-seasons. Photo by: Krysta Cantero

Priorities may differ for certain athletes when they are in a sport and when they are not. Junior Jenna Wood said, “Softball comes before anything. After practice or a game is over, then I make homework my top priority.” Some athletes have jobs, so they have to balance out work and a sport. That could be difficult at times, but it all depends on their top priority. Berger said, “Say my dad had me lined up to work on a day I had tennis, I usually would cancel work to go to practice off-season.” While some students prioritize things, others may just keep doing the activities they regularly do. When asked if his priorities changed Junior Kevin Escobar said, “Not really, sometimes, the change it not a big difference though!”

Success is an important factor in every athlete’s lives. Everyone wants to succeed when it comes to not only sports, but everything in life as well. Sophomore Katie Berg said “I always drive to do my best and be the best that I can be.” There are certain things that drive athletes to succeed when playing a sport. Junior Cassi Quissell said, “Something that drives me in the sports I play is the younger generations watching me. This drives me because I want to be at my best when I’m being watched. I want to inspire the younger kids.”

Whether athletes are working to improve themselves throughout the off-season or not, when it comes time for them to play, they work hard and enjoy what they do.

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