With the amount of snow Plymouth has received this winter, most areas are covered in a snowy landscape. Photo provided by: Katie Sommers
By Gillan Larew
Students may have a favorite season depending on weather or holidays.
Students could have a favorite season based on certain things or options. It could be the weather, holidays, birthdays, or what they do in the season that makes it their favorite. Students may not have a favorite season just because they do not know their favorite season or because they like all the seasons. Sophomore Kelsy Wieringa said, “spring is my favorite season because its not too hot or cold. I like being neutral.” Freshman Will Boyd said his favorite season is, “summer because you can run around all the time without a jacket. The weather can get really hot and no one is outside and you get to walk just about anywhere.”
Also students could have special tradition may it be holidays or going on vacations. Wieringa says that she likes to go on picnics and be with her family and friends. Freshman Leonardo Baca said, “I like throwing snowballs and building snow forts. Sometimes I get a kick out of shoveling snow.” Freshman Chad Martin said, “I like to hangout with friends.”
Other students may also have certain things that make a season their favorite. Sophomore Courtney Miller’s favorite season is, “spring because its never too hot or cold and I like the weather.” Baca does not have a favorite season, “I like a lot of the seasons. So I don’t have a favorite one.” Baca also said, “Holidays have a huge impact on someone’s favorite season. Halloween gives free candy and exercise because you have to walk to houses. On Christmas people hand out free presents and sometimes even a family dinner. Easter has the easter egg hunts, and so on… These are some of the holidays that you would most definitely like, thus making you like the season as well.”
Based on so many things, students may or may not have a favorite season.