By Gillan Larew
Bio Art is a mixture between Art and Biology.
The first project in Bio Art is called “Pica and pH.” It is about a little boy named Petey who has Pica. Pica is a disorder when one craves random objects that he or she would not normally eat/crave. In this project the students are supposed to learn about acids and bases, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Then they will draw foods that are bad for people and good for people on one big piece of paper. This is called a “Still Life” drawing. The students will also be writing a letter to Petey’s parents telling them what Petey’s diet should consist of. Students have mixed feelings about this project.
Students will think a project in class will influence them in the long run. Freshman Grant Clady thinks this project will help influence him. He says, “The project will influence my life by helping me make the decision to eat better food.” Clady also says he thinks the class is really fun because “the classes [Biology and Art] mesh really well together.”
The second project the students are doing is called The Kingdom Sketches. The students, based on last name, will have a kingdom of species to draw. The range of species are Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. They will draw them and then write two facts about the species.
Some students think this project is difficult while others think it is fun and easy. Freshman Mackenzie Derrifield says, “I like them but it is somewhat hard to remember that you have it and it is also kind of hard to find out how we’ll know what the difference is.” Freshman Sydney Espich says its fun because “we get to draw what we want.” Some people do like to work on the kingdom sketches while others do not.
Some people like hands on, verbal, group work, and other ways of learning. Espich says she likes hands on learning because, “it’s what makes my brain retain the knowledge.” Freshman Guillermo Morales also likes hands on because, “right now we are painting and it is really fun”
Students like different ways of learning, and Bio Art is a different way of learning.