Photos are Valued by Students

Freshman Jasmine Baird likes to take pictures when she goes on vacation and goes to different places that are very beautiful. Photo by: Courteney Keller

Freshman Jasmine Baird likes to take pictures when she goes on vacation and goes to different places that are very beautiful. Photo by: Courteney Keller

By Courteney Keller

Every picture has a story to tell behind it. Students explain how they value the pictures they have from their recent or previous years.

When taking a picture, it is hard to realize that there has been change compared to previous photographs. Once there is time to look back through old photographs, it is easy to see all of the change. Senior Emmelyn Brandt said, “I look at pictures all the time, most of the time just the ones I have on my phone or social media sites. Sometimes I take the time to just sit down and look through older pictures also. Looking through pictures of high school I have noticed how I look a lot older, most of that is due to losing my braces.” Others realize that maturity shows in photographs. Freshman Jasmine Baird said, “I often go back through photographs from past years because it is really interesting for me to see things that I might not remember as well. I also look back at photographs because I like to see how much I have changed over the years. I have changed by the way I look a lot more mature than I did and I also wore different clothes than what I wear now.” Some students use photographs as an opportunity to look back on the good times. Freshman Elizabeth Northcutt said, “I go through my photographs because I wanted to remember the good times I had when I was younger and also wanted to remember the times I had fun with my family.”

There are different moments in life that are worth capturing and remembering forever. Students explain what a great photograph opportunity would be. “I think that a great picture opportunity would be at anytime! I think every moment of our life is something that we should capture and remember. We should always be happy to look back on days like those and pictures do a really good job describing what it looked like then; it helps to bring back all the memories,” said Baird. For some students that moment is something that may only happen once in a lifetime. Junior Taylor Fulton said, “Either when I get to meet someone from a band or it’s at a tourist attraction like I have some pictures from the top of the sears tower.”

Valuing more than just nature and the wild, freshman Victoria Leazenby says that most of her photographs she has around her house are of her family, friends, and other activities she participates in outside of school.

There is always that one picture that was able to be captured by being in the right place at the right time. Brandt said, “A perfect picture I have was one that I didn’t take, but my mom did. It’s one of my twin brother and I with him leaning on me sleeping in the back of the car. It is probably my most favorite picture that I have.” Photographs can also hold memories of different places of travel Baird said, “I took a trip to Montana to visit my relatives and my family climbed a really pretty mountain and they took a picture of me while I was looking from the very top at the beautiful sight.” Sometimes meeting an ones inspiration is a moment worth capturing. “I got to meet my hero Garrett Rapp from “The Color Morale” band, who has helped me a lot. I was going to buy merchandise and I saw him there and talked to him and got a picture with him,” said Fulton.

Junior Taylor Fulton enjoys taking photographs of his Starbucks that he gets in the morning. Photo by: Courteney Keller

Junior Taylor Fulton enjoys taking photographs of his Starbucks that he gets in the morning. Photo by: Courteney Keller

There are events that happen throughout life worth taking a picture of. “If I think something looks cool or I want to remember it I go oh let me get a picture of that,” Fulton said. There are always certain subjects of interest that taking photographs of never gets old. Leazenby said that she likes taking pictures at her family gatherings and parties they have.

Some students organize their photos. Northcutt said, “I organize my photographs that I print in order by the date I took the picture on.” Other students do not have a certain way to organize.  Leazenby said, I don’t really organize, I just put up the ones that I like and I sometimes switch them out. “

Students explain if they will look back on previous years once their high school career is over. Brandt said, “I believe I will, because each year things seem to change and I want to be able to look back and see what good has happened and what bad has happened.” Baird said, “When I get older I will go back and look through my own pictures because I think it would be so neat to see how much I have grown and it will bring back a lot of memories that I probably will forget.” Northcutt says that she will look back at the previous years, “I want to look back at the past and remember the fun I had when I was younger and in high school.”

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