Students Have Participated in Adventurous Activities

Zip-lining in Costa Rica over the summer, senior Breanna Morrow tried something new that pusher her out of comfort zone. Ever since she has wanted to do it again. Photo by: Katie Sommers

Zip-lining in Costa Rica over the summer, senior Breanna Morrow tried something new that pushed her out of her comfort zone.  Photo by: Katie Sommers

By Katie Sommers

While students live in northern Indiana, the drive for adventure still remains in the hearts of people.

Living in America, there are many opportunities one will have. One in specific is being able to participate in adventurous activities with friends and family members. Freshman Conner Mathews describes an adventurous activity as “something out of your comfort zone, something you have not done before, or something that constantly changes.” A few examples may include skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping, white water rafting, or anything that gives one a burst of energy.

Experiencing two different types of adventurous activities, junior Sophia Anderson has gone zip-lining and white water rafting. She did these activities two years ago when she visited Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Anderson said that she experienced these with her best friend Melissa Johnson. They were able to do this because they won tickets to do so. Anderson describes her feelings during the moment as “fun. The water was really cold but it was fun. I am pretty sure I got a rush of energy while doing it so it was a good time.” She said that she would do these activities again any day possible.

Freshman Nathaniel Carper had the opportunity to experience rock climbing at a previous school he attended. He was able to participate in this event with his sister. “It sounded fun so I tried it, but I was scared of heights.” After he accomplished his goal of rock climbing, he felt triumphant and strong.

While on vacation in Hawaii, junior Nicole Snare went snorkeling and zip-lining with her friends and family. She wanted to try something new, and let it take her out of her comfort. In the moment of zip-lining she “was terrified at first because [she] was afraid of heights. [She] did not know whether the line would break while [she] was on it and that thought almost kept [her] from actually doing it.” Snare ended up enjoying the event and doing it repeatedly. This has taught her to “never let your fears get the best of you. Sometimes it is good to step out of your comfort zone.” Like Snare, senior Breanna Morrow went zip-lining in Costa Rica over the summer while on a mission trip. She participated in this event with her youth group members and a tour guide. It was the last day of the group’s trip, so they spent the day doing fun activities and sightseeing. In the moment of the rush, Morrow said she did not like zip-lining at first. “I hated it at first! It’s not like I’m normally scared of heights, but it was in a different country and I had never done it before! I did cry, but after the second time, I started to enjoy myself!” She said that she would do this again in a heartbeat and to not be afraid to try new things.

Spending a time on vacation, junior Nicole Snare went snorkeling off the shore of Hawaii with her family and friends. Photo provided by: Nicole Snare

Spending time on vacation, junior Nicole Snare went snorkeling off the shore of Hawaii with her family and friends. Photo provided by: Nicole Snare

Mathews takes part in practicing taekwondo with Master Castle at the Plymouth Family Taekwondo after school from 3:30 p.m. – 8 p.m. on most nights. This is something that he does because he thinks it is fun and exciting. The feelings he gets in the moment during practice are “pain, excitement, joy, and tiredness” due to all the hard work he puts in. Practicing taekwondo has made him a “better person.”

In Tennessee last summer, freshman Victoria Leazenby went white water rafting with her family. She participated in this event because her family was going to, and she thought it was going to be fun. In the moment of the activity she felt many different emotions.“I was so scared at first, but after I actually got on the boat and started my journey. [It] was a lot of fun and I don’t regret any of it.” This event helped her to not be afraid to try new things.

Pushing oneself out one’s comfort zone may be hard to do at first, but in the end it is good to try something new.

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