One interesting superstition is picking up a penny that is found heads up on the ground and putting it in your shoe and having good luck for the rest of the day.
Photo provided by: Hayley Long
By Courteney Keller
There are many superstitions that have been passed on from generation to generation. High school students discuss the different types of interesting superstitions they believe.
Freshman Devin Gritton said her interesting superstition is “picking up a penny off the ground for good luck all day.” The most interesting superstition that Gritton has ever heard of is “stepping on a crack and breaking your mother’s back. I find it interesting because I do not think if you stepping on a crack is going to break your mom’s back.”
Another superstition that some students have is if “your right ear is ringing someone is talking good about you and if your left ear is ringing someone is speaking bad of you. When I was younger my ears always rang a lot so I told my grandpa about it and since then I still believe to this day,”said Junior Olivia Baca. Sophomore Hannah DeMont used to believe in a superstition that “when a black cat would walk in front of you, you would have bad luck.” Now she loves all cats.
Some high school students do not have superstitions but some of their family members do. Sophomore Karly Gruett said, “Whenever my aunt watches a football game she wears the same pair of socks every time. I personally think it is a bit odd because the team doesn’t win every time, but it is her preference.”
Superstitions make people who they are and make us all a little more unique.