Twitter in Lives of PHS Students

Senior Zach Craft only gets on Twitter during his free time. Photo by: Elizabeth Jackson

Senior Zach Craft only gets on Twitter during his free time. Photo by: Elizabeth Jackson

By Elizabeth Jacksons

Three years ago, Plymouth High School received MacBook Pros along with text books.

Plymouth High School students are using various forms of social media to interact. One form of social media being used is Twitter. Seniors Morgan Hite, Jacob McKown, Kristina Ratcliff and Zach Craft have active Twitter accounts. For Hite and McKown, Twitter has been a part of their lives for about two years whereas Ratcliff has had hers for just two months. Craft, on the other hand, has had his for four years.

The daily newscast on television is not the only medium of getting information for PHS students. When asked if they follow any accounts where they may get their news, Hite and McKown said no while Ratcliff and Craft said yes. Seniors are not the only ones who have Twitter accounts at PHS.

Freshmen Ashley Harrell and Leonardo Baca all believe that having technology in school is making it easier for students to get distracted while they are supposed to be learning. Baca said, “I’ve seen teachers use Twitter, I’ve seen them use it for class. I’ve seen many purposes for Twitter, and if they manage to make school fun., then I suppose it’s beneficial for young teen’s education.” Baca believes that Twitter may be a way to make education more fun for the students. Harrell has a different point of view on the subject. “I mean, [it’s] both ways. You learn more at times, but it can be very distracting for some.”

When asked how Twitter has influenced his life, McKown said, “It has caused me to be misanthropic.” When Junior Samantha Grant was asked, she said “I’ve [been] influenced to look at people in a new light.”

Imagine what it would be like to be the dean of all PCSC students. Would you ban Twitter from all computers and iPads? Sophomore Hope Barrow said “Yes, and no.

I probably wouldn’t just because I’d have an angry amount of students. But last year, I wound up creating a fake twitter for this Odysseus project my freshman year, so I use Twitter for school.” Although Barrow is indecisive about whether or not she would ban Twitter, Craft is strong about his feelings on the matter. “I would strongly disagree with that. Twitter is a way to communicate with our teachers and keep in touch with what is going on around the school,” said Craft.

Twitter is a resource many use daily.

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