Traditions Impact Teams in Various Ways

Before performing at State this past weekend, the band has a tradition to form a senior circle and pray. Photo provided by: Jessica Beagle

The band performs for the state contest. Photo provided by: Jessica Beagle

By Nicole Snare

As an attempt to bring each other closer, teams carry on traditions that display a true bond between the team as a whole.

For several teams, keeping a tradition is one of the most important necessities they can have. Junior Cassi Quissell said that the volleyball team tradition is “playing little Sally Walker and praying before we play every game.” Since this custom has been around for so many years, it has become a regular basis routine before their games. Quissell said it “symbolizes the bond we have together.” Volleyball is not the only sport that participates in praying before a game. Senior Sommer McClellan explains how the softball team prays before every one of their games. In order to keep a positive mind, they form a circle and hold each other’s hands while they pray together. McClellan said it represents “that no matter what, we all can come together as a team and show some respect for each other.”

As for other sports teams, the tradition may vary. A cross country runner, senior Mason Reed said that before every race their entire team screams “For Narnia!” It is an fictional land from the books of C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia. Reed said the reason they do this is because they “find it fun, plus when you have so many people that scream it as well, it looks like we are charging into battle.” After the gun goes off to start the race, it leaves the team laughing because they know they left others around them join the giggling as well. Reed also believes their actions do symbolize the team as a whole because they are fighting for what they want.

As the shot is fired to begin the race, the cross country team has a tradition to shout "for Narnia." Photo provided by: Suzie Garrity

As the shot is fired to begin the race, the cross country team has a tradition to shout “for Narnia.” Photo provided by: Suzie Garrity

Sports are not the only ones who carry on a team tradition. Senior Daniel Flynn has participated in stage crew for almost his entire high school career. He said, “Tech Theater’s tradition is a little strange. We go through a long process to hype ourselves up. Typically our head person at the moment will make a small speech. Afterwards we sit in a circle and and discuss our nicknames and tell stories.” Before each event in the show, they do this to loosen up and get excited. This interesting technique began so long ago, and the stage crew department does not plan on changing it any time soon. Flynn said, “It keeps a tradition alive. A tradition that has been alive for so many years, so we don’t want to ever see it disappear.” It is the most important to him to come together as a one big group, smiling, laughing, and just being themselves.

As for another department in Performing Arts, junior Anna Piazza explains how marching band forms together in a “Senior Circle” right after they warm up. With all of the twelfth graders standing in the middle, she said that “A senior prays for safety and to glorify God. We thank him for the opportunity. It’s a nice togetherness moment. We all put our arms around each other and just connect.” As they prepare for their show, the circle helps them to relax some nerves and bond in unison. Piazza said that the stated motto of this year’s season is, “Practice to Perform, Perform to Perfection basically that we will practice our best so that we have our best performances.”

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