Being friends for eight years, sophomores Brianna Kintzel and Tailer Smerekanich consider each other family. Photo by: Courteney Keller
By Courteney Keller
Throughout lives one may gain and lose friendships as lives change and move on. True friends can be traveling different paths but are still connected at heart.
From crazy pictures together, wild memories, family at heart, and partners in crime, friends have memories together from when they were little. Sophomore Brianna Kintzel said she enjoyed going to the fair to watch her friend show horses. Others have memories from just this past year. Junior Sarah Rundle said, “Seeing Turbo together and we’re the only ones in the theater. It was fun and it was the first time either of us had been the only ones in the theater.”
Out of all the memories that friends have throughout the year together, there is usually one that stands out more than the others. Sophomore Sabrina Haines said, “The day before we left Montana, Hunter and I, plus our siblings, were playing in the creek they have by their house. Not only is it freezing cold because it comes from the mountains, but it is so hard to get up once you fall. When my dad decided to be a genius and dunk Hunter underwater, and I sorta stepped on his back to help my dad… Afterwards, Hunter did not dunk me once, or twice – oh no, he got me three times, and everyone knew I did not want anything but my ankles to get wet. It was a good memory, though, even if I did want to kill him afterwards – it’s part of having a good friendship.”
When it comes to hanging out with friends who knows what is going to happen; Sophomore Tailer Smerekanich said, ‘‘Doing crazy things that boys do like dirt bikes, truck, and ride horses then just go hangout with friends.” Rundle said, “Talk and watch movies and make iMovies.”

Having a long distance friendship, sophomore Sabrina Haines has a best friend who lives in Montana. Photo: Courteney Keller
Keeping in touch with friends after high school is not always easy; everyone takes separate paths. Sometimes individuals are lucky to stay in touch with the closest high school friends even after school has ended. Junior Faith Hutchens said, she and her friends have stayed, “together for 11 years and I don’t think anything will really come between us. She may live farther away than ever before, but will always stay in touch with each other.”
Keeping a friendship and not letting bad blood get between two people is not always easy, but it is worth it. Keeping a friendship strong is not always easy either. Smerekanich said, “Just be yourself and always have trust in each other.” Junior Kathryn Hickman said, “Mainly just try not to let little things break up your friendship, and just remember why you became friends in the first place.”
Some friendships are hard to put into words, but Haines tried to define it when she said, “Trustworthy, I chose this word because she and I trust each other and she knows that she can tell me anything no matter what it is. I am always the first person to hear about it if there is something wrong.” Haines has been friends with someone who lives in Montana for fifteen and a half years.