A delicious looking cinnamon role is prepared to be eaten along with a glass of grape juice. Photo By: Shelby Harrell
By Shelby Harrell
The growl of the stomach and the sharp pains of hunger can be enough to throw off even the most focused students. For most, the smell and taste of their favorite foods can solve this problem. Various students at Plymouth High School were able to describe what types of foods they like to sink their teeth into.
An important factor in determining good eating habits, is the size of what is being consumed. Freshman Jordan Morrow describes his meal sizes as, “not a big amount of food at one time.” Eating smaller portions of food can lead to healthier choices. Agreeing with Morrow’s ideas, senior Jessica Beagle looks forward to the idea of smaller portions. “I think I usually eat pretty healthy,” said Beagle. Some students have diverse beliefs when it comes to eating habits.
Eating habits can vary greatly. For example, freshman Victoria Leazenby believes that there is a point at which to stop when it comes to eating. “I also think you should try to eat at home as much as possible,” said Leazenby, “It is not only healthier, but also cheaper.”
In today’s society, the information on diets and eating methods is always changing. People are always changing and updating their diets in order to be able to live their happiest, healthiest lifestyles. For example, Morrow has a diet that he sometimes follows. “When I start cross country,” said Morrow, “I usually start to eat more veggies and try to stay a little bit more off the junk.” Agreeing with Morrow’s statement and diet methods, Beagle said that she tries to cut the junk out of her own diet. “I try not to eat too much starch.” said Beagle. These students also give their viewpoints on society’s misconceptions of dieting.
There seems to be emphasis that being thin that makes look better. Morrow differs on this, “I do not think that you should be incredibly thin because it is not healthy and it would not help you if you are doing athletic things.”
Eating habits may have evolved over time, and Leazenby said, “I do think that eating habits have changed over the generations because people used to grow food in their gardens and restaurants like Taco Bell weren’t even around as an option back them, and also Many family restaurants were family owned and offered somewhat healthy options.” A lot of restaurants were considered healthier back in those days.
There are still some restaurants that have fairly healthy options, and a wide variety of different types of food to choose from. Beagle described what different types of food she would find herself ordering most. “I like Italian food, Mexican food, and a lot of fruits and veggies.” said Beagle. Morrow added to this comment by agreeing that he also enjoys eating a lot of fruit. “I prefer any type of potatoes, fruits, most meat things, and things that involve chocolate.” said Morrow. Another thing that they all keep in mind when eating is portion size.
There are all sorts of portion sizes that are being offered today, all ranging from small to supersize. Along what different sizes comes different beliefs about which one is the best. When asked what her preferred portion size is, Leazenby says that she prefers smaller sizes more often. “You tend to be healthier when you eat smaller portions rather than larger meals less often,” said Leazenby, “I eat two breakfasts, one lunch, dinner, and a snack before I go to bed.” In correspondence with portion sizes, some students actually go by the types of feelings that they get while eating certain foods.
For some eating is an emotional experience as Morrow described his feelings and emotions when he eats cake. “Usually when I have cake I feel a lot happier,” said Morrow. Agreeing with Morrow’s comment, Leazenby commented on her feelings when it comes to food and emotions. “ When I eat junk food, I feel bad both physically and mentally,” said Leazenby, “I ask myself why I ate that and my stomach or my head hurt.”