As School Draws to an End Students Plan for Summer to Begin

As Karl and Stephanie stand together, Karl works on pursuing his dream of becoming a musician.

As senior Karl Pogue and sophomore Stephanie Anderson stand together, Pogue works on pursuing his dream of becoming a musician.  Photo by: Janessa Salazar

By Chloe Boule

Students at Plymouth High School have all kinds of different plans for the summer of 2013. Whether it is sports, traveling, or just staying in town with their friends, all the students interviewed could say they are happy it is almost here.

Students named a few goals they have for the upcoming summer. Sophomore Stephanie Anderson said, “My goals are to try to reach as many kids as possible with CEF [Child Evangelism Fellowship] and really grow closer to God this summer.” A few students have smaller goals that are not too hard to work at, while others have bigger goals that are very important to them like, “Getting a day job while I pursue my dream of being a musician,” said senior Karl Pogue. Freshman Nicole Pyatskowit said she just wants to, “Get tan!” which is something plenty of girls say they plan to do this summer.

Several students say summer is less stressful because there is no homework or tests to worry about. Freshmen Amber Gonzalez added, “It has always been hard to make friends and then being away from them is really hard for me.” Not all students feel stress free when it comes to summer.  Senior Karl Pogue’s summer is going to be a struggle because, “Now I’m an adult so I’m probably gonna be a lot more stressed.” A number of the seniors graduating are now considered adults and are ready to go off to college and start a new life at the end of the summer. “I plan on working and getting ready for PURDUE!” said senior Makaela Mahler.

Sophomore Kristina Bannow is looking forward to getting her first one. Senior Michaela Moreno said, “This will be my first year working during the summer.” Summer jobs are another big part of the summer for the majority of students interviewed.

Freshman Jake Dewar said he is excited about summer because, “I’m training and playing the sport that I love, and I’m constantly with my friends!” The majority of students said they love summer because of the warm weather, sleeping in and having fun. Senior Maiyah Czarnecki said it should be fun because, “I usually stay in town but this summer I am going to Florida!”

People have different traditions that they do with their family for holidays or different times of the year.  Sophomore Shylyn Ickes said, “We always have a huge 4th of July party at my grandma’s house the whole family comes.” Summer is generally a fun carefree time for a large number of students.

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