“Amazing! It was so beautiful up there. I would go back any day,” said sophomore Mariah Tepper. Photo by: Rebeca Lee
By Rebeca Lee
For their biennial trip both the Plymouth High School Band and Choir students decided to visit Chicago for three days.
Although the overall trip was considered “a blast” according to junior Shelby Haisley, there were also some not so enjoyable times while in Chicago. While at Six Flags several students did not pack warm enough clothes for the trip and struggled to keep warm. “Because of the cold we had to do penguin huddles in order to stay warm,” said junior Wesley Seidelmann. Though the temperatures were not as high as they had been in previous days, the PHS band and choir students still strived to make the most of their time at Six Flags. Junior Morgan Hite said her favorite part of the trip was losing her voice from all the fun she had at the park. The majority of students, who were on the trip, were able to have fun riding rides all day; one student was even able to overcome his fear of roller coasters. Senior Aiden Osman talked about how he loved that he had the opportunity to spend this trip bonding with his brother. He said that he is happy because he even got the chance to help his brother overcome his fear of roller coasters. According to senior Mariah Harty at Six Flags, “I had ALOT of fun.” PHS students strived to make the most of their time at six flags and several succeeded by leaving with a pleasurable memory. Sophomore Mariah Tepper said, “It was hard to enjoy Six Flags when it was freezing but we made the best of it.”

Talking about the Seadog Extreme freshman Elizabeth Szalay said, “I loved how the wind whipped my hair and how everyone on the boat was dancing to the songs and/or singing. It was a ton of fun!” Photo by: Rebeca Lee
One of the many attractions that both PHS band and choir got to see and experience was called the Seadog Extreme. This 30-Minute Lakefront Speedboat Tour brought fun and excitement to PHS students including sophomore Faith Hutchens. She said, “My experience on the Seadog was awesome! I loved it because it was fun and exciting…” The passengers were able to ride along the shoreline with informative and amusing descriptions of the world famous Chicago skyline. Senior Morgan O’Neal said, “I was scared at first, but, it ended up being really fun.” As they departed Chicago’s Navy Pier, students were told interesting facts about the Pier and Chicago’s lakefront. Then after some time with the music was cranked up and with the Seadog Extreme’s exhilarating high speeds and full 180-360° spins everyone had the opportunity to have a great time. According to Freshman Eric Burch the Seadog, “was very awesome! I wish it could have been warmer and I wish I could have gotten more wet, but I took some amazing pictures of the Chicago Skyline.”
Another attraction that students visited was the John Hancock Center. PHS students were able to ride an elevator to one of the top levels of the building and experience a “Breath-taking” view according to freshman Devin Hite. Students were able to experience the skywalk sensation and breathe in air from that height. According to freshman Elizabeth Szalay, her favorite part of the trip was visiting the John Hancock building. She said, “The view up there was incredible. I was literally crying! It was beautiful to see all the buildings and skyscrapers and the lake! I like big cities and places that are busy and full of traffic and excitement, so to me Chicago was a little piece of Heaven.”

Getting ready to go into Six Flags freshmen Katie Bowling and Alexis Rudd pose and smile for a picture, in order to remember the great time they had on the trip. Photo by: Rebeca Lee
The last event that PHS students were able to participate in was seeing the Blue Man Group. This event was memorable for several students. Sophomore Jordan Rodgers explains what he saw as “Amazing! They were just simply Amazing!” Blue Man Group is a musical, as well as interactive performance, put on at Briar Street Theatre in Chicago. Rodgers was not the only one who was enthusiastic about the show. Senior Debra Burke saw them for a second time and still enjoyed their performance. Over all Blue Man Group was a fun and a great experience for PHS’s music department.
Sophomore Denise Altheide is a student that likes to be involved in her school and in the music department and with this trip she was able to do that and bond with other members from band and choir. “It was a really great trip!,” said sophomore Anna Piazza. Another student who enjoyed the trip was junior Elias Ortiz. He said that he had a great time and enjoyed the company of his friends. Students that attended the trip said they had a great time and would certainly return if they had the chance.