The Journalism Class Opened Its Doors to Two New Writers

Freshmen Eric Burch and Courtney Black are two new staff writers that joined the Pilgrim Perspective Online Newspaper.

Freshmen Eric Burch and Courtney Black are two new staff writers that joined the Pilgrim Perspective Online Newspaper.

By Patricia Ortiz-Corona

New creative minds have entered through the door of the Journalism class this trimester.

The Journalism class opened its doors to two new freshman students, Eric Burch and Courtney Black.  Though the students are new to the class, they have different reasons for joining the course.  Black joined the course because according to her it, “seemed like an interesting class.”  Burch on the other hand states that he loves to write and that one of the reasons why he joined the class was because it will, “strengthen my writing skills.”

Both of these new students have expectations regarding this course.  Black, an avid watcher of Law and Order S.V. U, is looking forward to, “being able to express myself in writing.”  Burch, who is involved in Marching Band, Crimson Connection, Winter Percussion Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble, is looking forward to learning to, “write in a different way.”

In Journalism, the students get together every so often to come up with ideas as to what topic to write about.  Black would really like to write about animals because she, “loves them and I think that they are fascinating.”  On the other hand, Burch would like to write stories that are interesting to read and to write.

Besides being reporters, Black and Burch have a life and they like to do things with their free time.  In her spare time Black likes, “to sing and dance.”  Burch also likes to sing but he differs from Black because he likes to also, “get on the Internet, read, play my instrument, listen to music, etc.”

Pursuing a career in writing is not in Black or Burch’s plans.  Black plans on becoming a Pediatrician when she gets older because, “I love helping kids.”  On the other hand, Burch is interested, “in getting my doctorate and also a psychology degree.”

Whatever the reason for Black and Burch was to join Journalism, they are sure to bring a new perspective to the Pilgrim Perspective.

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