Valentine’s Day Do’s And Don’ts

By Julianna Cooper

Chocolate hearts, flowers, couples sending each other cards; Valentine’s Day is the day for everyone to express love for one another. Valentine’s Day is the day of love.

Some were asked about what they think should be done on Valentine’s Day personally. For some, chocolates and candies are the perfect gift. That may not be the case for some others. For others, flowers and cards are the best way to go. Sophomore Melissa Slater said, “You should get chocolate, spend time with people, and be nice to everyone that day.” Sometimes, you run into people who go with the flow and don’t know what to expect of Valentine’s Day.  Senior Bao Tran said, “I don’t know really, I just go with the flow on Valentine’s Day.”

Since Valentine's Day is approaching, people are brainstorming ideas on what to get their valentine, whether it be a friend or significant other. Photo by: Julianna Cooper

Since Valentine’s Day is approaching, people are brainstorming ideas on what to get their valentine, whether it be a friend or significant other. Photo by: Julianna Cooper

Valentine’s Day is not just about candies and cards. It is about being with the ones people love the most and are glad to have in their life. While there are good Valentine’s Day experiences, there are not so good ones as well. Even the worst Valentine’s Day experiences can turn into good ones that will make great stories in the future. “Last year [my Sophomore year], my boyfriend and I were going to go shopping for each other after school, and instead of going shopping [we] went to the ER for him. After everything that happened he was all right, and now it is a funny story.” said junior Shelby Haisley.

Valentine’s Day is a day of love. So even if someone does not have a Valentine or a bad past experience, it is a day for everyone to be with family, friends, and loved ones.

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