Students Share Their Favorite Lyrics

There are different genres for students to choose from.  For example, sophomore C.C. Bastardo, enjoys reggae music. Photo By: Guadalupe Ortiz

There are different genres for students to choose from. For example, sophomore C.C. Bastardo, enjoys reggae music. Photo By: Guadalupe Ortiz

By Guadalupe Ortiz

New artists bring new songs, which bring new lyrics and admirers to these lyrics. The words to the song can have a significant meaning to students, but others do not pay any attention to the words whatsoever.

Genres in music range from country all the way to rap. Sophomore C.C. Bastardo says reggae music is his favorite. Bastardo says that his favorite artist of this genre is Bob Marley. Senior Kelsey Schnieders is more open to different varieties of music, as she says, “I like country, alternative, pop, grungy stuff, pretty much everything except screamo.”

Within these genres, there are many artists that entertain PHS’s students with the sound of their voices. Junior Mason Reed comments that he has a variety of favorite artists, while senior Rolando Martinez says he does not have a favorite artist.

Moods also influence music selection.  Sophomore Taylor Fulton says, “I use music for everything I go through, it helps me get through times when I’m upset or [it] makes the good times seem even more amazing!” The rhythm, instruments, and lyrics of a song are what contribute to the mood of the song.

Different types of music inspire students to do different sorts of things. Photo By: Guadalupe Ortiz

Different types of music inspire students to do different sorts of things. Photo By: Guadalupe Ortiz

People are attracted to music for different reasons. The significance of lyrics is what may attract people to them. Some of Schnieders’ favorite lyrics comes from the song, “’Science and Faith’ by The Script.”‘ Schnieders says the  lyrics from this song remind her of summer fun with her friends and her boyfriend. She adds, “This song just makes me happy and I never get tired of listening to it.”

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