By Tori Godwin
Art is a talent that a lot of young adults are finding in themselves everyday. People everywhere are using this discovery so they can show the world what they can create. More and more artists are becoming known, but there are many artists that have not become fully recognized for their creations. Luckily, a lot of these talented people are located right here at PHS.
There are many art classes here at PHS and that is where a lot of students with artistic abilities can be found. There are also a lot of students who are not in an art class that have this special talent like juniors Adriana Olvera and Juan Chavez. Olvera is not currently in an art class, but she draws all of the time. “It’s all I think about.” Olvera stated. Chavez also isn’t in an art class at the moment but next year he is taking studio art. ” Drawing is my life.” He said. Unlike Chavez and Olvera, sophomores Ryan Slough and Haven Winkler are in an art class. Slough is currently in Digital Design and Winkler is going to be in Advanced 2-D art third trimester.
When anyone is first introduced to something, there is always one thing that is appealing to a person. No matter what it is, that one thing that is appealing will drive a person to know more and more about whatever subject it might be. Olvera knew what was mostly appealing to her. She said ” What appeals to me is the creations people make. I like to see how odd and common the artworks are.” Winkler stated “It’s a way of expressing emotions in a new and creative way.” Chavez agreed and said “[What appeals to me most is] the way you can express yourself with such freedom.” For Slough, he does not know exactly what appeals to him about art. “I just like it,” he said.
As years go by and a passion for something grows, it is always nice to look back on when someone started to notice a deep love or passion for a certain subject. “Well, I started to draw since I could hold a pencil and about six years ago, I really got into anime and that was all I drew.” Olvera explained. Chavez said “I realized that I had the passion for art when all I ever wanted to do is draw.” He continued to explain “I would draw how I felt and I would draw whatever I wanted.” Winkler stated “I learned how to draw at a very young age because it was my dad’s profession and it built up as I learned more things.” For Slough, he said that he has always liked art. “It’s in my family.” He said.
As an artist becomes more successful in art, most of them have one particular thing that they enjoy to make or do. For some, it could just be the feeling of holding a pencil and for others, it could be what is within the art. Chavez stated “I like creating things for the viewer to figure out. I want them to find the real meaning and emotions in my art.” Winkler explained ” I particularly like to draw. It is easier for me because all you need is a pencil and paper. I like to combine what I know to make a personal masterpiece.” Olvera said “I love to paint [because] it is messy and fun. I like to create some images from my mind.”
When creating a piece of art, most artists put a part of themselves in the art. They can put in their emotions, past experiences, or anything that they want the world to see. When asked what their art says about them, Winkler said ” I am not the best[at art], but it will still make an impression on those who see it.” Olvera stated ” The images I paint from my mind are weird, so I guess it says that I am weird.” Chavez explained “My art says that who I am is for them to figure out through my drawings and paintings. Everything about me is art.”
One thing that cannot be forgotten is what a piece of art actually represents. Slough said that his art usually represents a couple of things. Chavez stated “my art represents who I am and what I live for.” Winkler said “[my art represents] the level I am at and the knowledge I possess about the art.” Olvera bluntly stated “Japan! I love Japan.”
Along with gaining more knowledge of art, many people learn what type of art they are best at or what type of art they enjoy doing the most. Slough said ” Well, my favorite [type of art] is pencil drawing.” Olvera stated ” I do not know what art I am best at, but I love to draw and paint.” Winkler said that she is best at “the drawing of geometric shapes.” Chavez explained ” I believe that I am best at drawing, but a true artist excels in all aspects of art.
Learning about art can sometimes shy people away because it looks too hard or something to that extent. These students have shown that determination and hard work can evolve into making a wonderful piece of artwork. They have worked hard and they are ready to give advice in art if it is needed. When asked what each of them want everyone to know about art, Olvera said “what I want people to know about art is it can be fun if you let your mind wonder and create.” Chavez stated “I want them to know that art is a way of life. Art is a way to tell everyone who you are without using words.” Winkler said “it takes forever to make, but it is worth every minute in the end.”
As these artists continue to do what they love, even if it isn’t a career choice for them, these four students will not forget the true meaning of art and this special talent that they have obtained.
I really liked this artical because alot of people don’t realize that there are people in the school that should be know for their art work. You went and asked more than one person in the art section. Talking about just one person dosen’t say a whole lot about the artistic types of people.