PHS Students Talk about their Winter Vacation

By Chelsey Allen

Winter break might have its downfalls, but traveling and enjoying the break from school is the best thing about it.

Many students are looking forward to Christmas break. Some are busy traveling, while others are just looking forward to staying home and visiting with their family. Christmas break is two weeks, which means not worrying about school or homework and just relaxing. There are so many things people like about vacation, but everyone always has a favorite thing to do.  Senior Mindy Tredway says, “my favorite thing about Christmas break is getting two weeks off.” There are many activities people can do over break such as sledding, being warm and cozy by the fire, or as Junior Tori Fox and Senior Cameron Pifer like to do, sleep in.

The least favorite thing about Christmas vacation for some who are not going anywhere is the cold weather, and spending so much money on gifts, says Tredway. Some say their favorite thing about vacation is getting two weeks off and spending time with family and friends. Even though some do not go on break, they wish they could and even imagine what their ideal Christmas break would be. Senior Amber Roth says her ideal break would be going somewhere warm for about a week, but coming back for actual Christmas so when you wake up there is snow on the ground and it looks like Christmas. Pifer says her ideal break is going to the Bahamas or Disney World.

Every year is different, you’re older, you want different presents, or you have someone to spend break with. Tredway says, “This Christmas break will be better than last year’s because I am older and I have a job and more money now.” Fox says, “This year’s Christmas break is going to be better because the weather is a mystery. Who knows, it might be in the 60’s on Christmas.” Some Christmas breaks are better than previous years, and of course everyone hopes to make each year’s better.

Most breaks won’t be as great as some of the others. Many are just staying home, some haven’t been on Christmas vacation in a long time such as Senior Haley Miller. Some simply have absolutely no plans over break; they just hope to be surrounded by family, friends, and food such as SeniorKelsey Hartman. Hartman says ” on Christmas eve, I make donuts with my family. It’s always fun!” Many say their least favorite thing about vacation is that the weather is too cold, and vacation is only two weeks long and they wish that it would be longer. Two weeks is enough time for some people. Fox says, “I get bored too soon.”

Christmas vacation can be really exciting, or it can be boring, depending on who you’re with and where you’re going. If people  stay  home, it can be boring, unless they are   surrounded with people they enjoy.  There are so many things to  do while on break, everyone  just needs to find the right thing to do.

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