PHS Students Reveal Their Christmas Wish List

Snow hasn't touched the ground on Plymouth's streets yet, but snow is on many minds. Photo by: Guadalupe Ortiz

By Guadalupe Ortiz

Snow has yet to touch Plymouth streets, but Christmas spirit is all around.

Only a couple of days after people all over the country were enjoying their Thanksgiving feast, some had already putting up Christmas decorations. Stores are already starting to put up all of the Christmas ornaments, decorations, and those big aisles full of toys. These toys may or may not appear under someone’s Christmas tree on the morning of December 25.

Thinking back to childhood memories is always a good time. Thinking back to what children received on Christmas is even better.  For senior Aiden Osman, his favorite thing he ever received was a Nerf gun when he was ten years old. Senior Emily Berger said, “When I was in 6th grade, I had to have the pink razor cell phone! This is when cell phones really took off and I had to have one! When I got it, I jumped up and down and ran through the house calling people on my new phone.”

Christmas trees may symbolize presents under the tree. Photo by: Guadalupe Ortiz

However, others have grown to liking different things for their Christmas presents. Sophomore Delaney Keiser wanted an Easy Bake oven as a child and is now wanting a camera. For others, toys are still on their wish list. Sophomore Anna Piazza said, “I would really love a piggy Pillow pet because it is cute and soft and I like piggies!”

Unlike Piazza’s Christmas wish, there are things that are not materialistic, but would mean so much to them as a present. Senior Sam Stevens said, “The number one thing I want for Christmas is a tattoo. Most of my family have tattoos and I just really like them.” Junior Alli Rust and Sophomore Amber Eckman both want money for Christmas. Eckman said, “You can get whatever you want.”

Christmas presents are running through the minds of PHS students with the holiday just around the corner. With multiple options, the choice is not always clear to students. Others already have their Christmas wish list all set and ready to be delivered to Santa Claus.

PHS students are waiting for the morning when they receive their presents. Photo by: Guadalupe Ortiz

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