By Ellen Smith
- These are some of the many holiday foods that can be made to celebrate Christmas. Photo by: Ellen Smith
Wondering about what to do over the holidays? Caroling, eating delicious foods, and having snowball fights are all classic activities that people have done to pass the time and spread Christmas cheer in the past. Since the holidays are right around the corner, it is a great time to try new things to get in the Christmas spirit. Winter break is approaching, and with winter break comes lots of time. Here are some great ideas that can stifle boredom or cabin fever while school is out.
Spending time with others during break is the classic tradition for Christmas. Sophomore Kurt Corsbie says “Over winter break I like sleeping in and hanging out with my brothers.” “Bonding with family and friends is a great way to spend the holidays,” agrees junior Kristin Meece. One of the best ways to do that is over food. One of freshman Sarah Iwinski’s favorite winter activities baking cookies. Making Christmas cut-out cookies or trying a new recipe with family is a fun bonding experience together. Sophomore Rachel O’Brien and Iwinski agres that hot chocolate is a delicious drink for Christmastime. Even a simple cup of cocoa is a great way to warm up and have over a conversation with someone. Egg nog and wassil, a hot cider, are both delicious hot drinks to try for the holidays as well. Corsbie says “Puppy chow is pretty sweet.” “Cherry crisps,” adds sophomore Aimee Ringer, “are one of my favorite foods for the holidays.” Trying new activities with family is always a way to connect with each other. For example, play games together, like board or card games. There is much to do with family during Christmas.
Outside opens up a whole new world of exciting winter entertainment, whether it is snowy outside or not. Corsbie says “I don’t really go outside much unless I need to help my dad or something.” Other students have a different view. O’Brien and Meece both agree that sledding is a great way to enjoy the snow. Meece adds, “Sledding is a great way to have fun with my siblings.” Nowadays, sleds come in all different kinds of shapes and sizes for enjoyment. Sledding is a timeless hobby to enjoy over winter break. O’Brien adds, “Building snow forts is a neat activity as well.” Snow fort building is only one pastime on the list of outdoor enjoyment; however, ice skating, snowman building, and snowball fights are also quintessential winter experiences.
Wearing cozy outfits to lounge around the house in is a classic tradition of many. O’Brien and Meece both enjoy wearing comfy sweats or pajamas during the holidays. Plush slipper socks are a great way to keep feet warm around the house as well. Freshman Shelby Pratt says that one of her favorite things to do during break is to listen to Christmas music. Aimee Ringer enjoys decorating the house over Christmas break.
Sometimes, the normal traditions and activities of Christmas get a little dull, and sprucing them up with creative twists is a great way to spend Christmastime. One unique idea puts a spin on normal sledding. Having a large yard is important for this activity. Many people do not have sledding hills in their yards, and therefore do not get the opportunity to sled often. However, there is a solution. Hooking up toboggans or other large sleds securely to the back of a car with rope is answer to the problem. Sledding behind the car will create many exhilarating and humorous memories for everyone. Another unique activity is done best after a fresh snow. Pouring some snow cone syrup over a patch of fresh snow will result in a tasty treat to scoop up and eat.
Traditions have always been a firm part of the holidays. As the years pass, traditions evolve and change as well. O’Brien agrees and comments, technology like video games, DVDs, and even televisions did exist back in the day. The Little House on the Prairie series shows many examples of what holidays were like hundreds of years ago. Observing and learning about some of these old traditions increases knowledge and respect of how things were done in years past. For example, sleigh rides were once popular trips to take. The song Jingle Bells focuses on that single Christmas activity. Understanding the ways of old can even inspire new ideas for the present. Then, there is the future to contend with. O’Brien says, at the rate we are going (with our advancing technology), winter activities could be very different in the future. But one thing is for certain: Christmas will always remain a memorable time of year full of great adventures.