Many various sources of entertainment are gaming systems, computer, music, cellular devices, reading or just work. Photo by: Skylier Howard
By Skylier Howard
The cure that keeps boredom away, entertainment, is everyone’s friend. Nobody needs to slack off and lay around, there are many things to do, and it is time to get cracking on them.
There are many sources of entertainment out there and each one of them has its own way to keep students and other people occupied for whatever reason. With the multiple ways of entertainment, there can not be any reason why anybody should complain. There is not but one source but many and many at that. “[I think they are] Internet, cell phones, game systems, reading, [and] friends. What entertains someone is different for everyone.” freshman Mariah Tepper describes some sources of entertainment.
Sophomore Gianella Cerriteno goes on to tell that “Everyday is full of entertainment so basically all day.” On the other hand junior Clay Corsbie claims that, “I’m not really sure, I suppose I get quite a bit, unless you don’t consider sitting in classes listening to the teachers.” Perhaps school could be entertainment for some, but for others maybe not so much. Some do get more entertainment in a day rather than others, such as sophomore Nate Mahan as he goes on to say that “[I get] about 2-3 hours, but that’s just estimation.” This shows how some people are occupied by other things such as work and are not able to get as much fun and do not think that work is not always fun and play.
Many things are classified as entertainment. Some are not as known as much as others; however, there are so many things that could be sources. It is not difficult to know that students are being entertained. Senior Jackson Seering depends on his Xbox 360 and music player to keep himself occupied and pleased. Sophomore Emily Merritt follows up behind Seering saying that “[My sources of entertainment are] books, games, videos, [and] friends.” Anything could provide entertainment and keep one satisfied. Sources of entertainment have been around for awhile now and some have discovered more, new ways to be entertained.
Some people do not have the same source of favorite entertainment, senior Daniel Smith goes on to explain his best source of entertainment is baseball. Corsbie goes on to saying something else. “The best source of entertainment would be the ones you can share the experience with. So something you do with a friend, like bowling movies, swimming, or just talking to them usually.” It cannot be fully proven but some can say that sharing entertainment with others tend to be more fun rather than one person alone. Merritt goes along to say that, “Reading my manga because it’s something that I love.” Either or it does not matter whether students do it alone or together, the same amount of entertainment can still be experienced.
“Entertainment can be anything from simple things like playing bingo! To crazy fun things like ‘Apples To Apples’,” says Cerriteno. Entertainment has no bounds or specific shape to things as to what it could be, it varies in sizes or whatever people might want it to be. Mahan goes on saying, “Not necessarily, because it could be something that just occupies time which a lot of things could do that.” Therefore entertainment could be classified as something to keep the anybody occupied. Any entertainment can be switched for another, as Corsbie goes on explaining, “No, really anything can entertain me, but it’s the things that keep my mind off things more. If I am with someone that I like I’ll probably be more distracted than I would be reading a book, but that could just be me.”
Opinions can be another thing when it comes to entertainment and the people. Exchanging thoughts on what is better than this or that could be a form. “Friends! I’d rather hang out with friends than text them.” said Tepper. While on the other hand Seering argues and says “Music is better than everything!” It is something common to have a liking for one source better than the other. Smith concludes that “There can be sometimes better things to do for a living and keep myself entertained all the time.”
Life is one large source of entertainment and students go out to explore the many other sources within it. It does not matter what it could be, if it supplies excitement or just rids of boredom then it is a source of entertainment.