The World is Changing its Perspective

These are two different types of glasses that allow the viewer to see beyond 2D. Photo by: Layne Holloway

By Layne Holloway
First it was movies, then televisions, now video games. The world is turning 3D and it is growing rapidly.

As far as senior Shelby Harty is concerned, “It’s an amazing experience to see things in 3D.” The first movie she ever saw in 3D was Alice in Wonderland. “It makes you feel like you’re part of the movie,” she said.

Freshman Denise Altheide gave a different explanation and said, ”Sooner or later people will get sick of it.” The first 3D Altheide saw was Shark-Boy & Lava Girl. Recently the classic movie The Titanic made its debut as a 3D movie. Altheide’s thoughts on that are, “I think that they are going a little overboard on 3D. But I would like to go see it soon.”

Senior Grace Mestad believes that 3D is overrated and nothing else should convert to 3D. Mestad said, “It’s fun sometimes to watch a movie in 3D, but I don’t really see the need to go out and turn everything 3D.” The first 3D movie she ever saw was a Spy Kids movie. “I was kind of disappointed because there really wasn’t that much in 3D,” she explained. When it comes to The Titanic in 3D she thinks it is cool that they re-released it.

Junior Brian Deacon revealed that he supports the idea of things going 3D. “The future is coming and might as well get ready for it,” he states. His thoughts on The Titanic going 3D is that “it’s a good thing.” He also notes that he hasn’t seen it but asks, “Why change an old movie into a 3D movie?” Along with Mestad his first 3D movie was also a Spy Kids movie.

Sophomore Jacob Pearson shared his ideas and said, “I mean it is kinda cool but I think only movies should be 3D.” If anything else could be converted to 3D Pearson said, “Games would be okay.” When it comes to going to see The Titanic, Pearson stated, “I think it looks cool and I can’t wait to see it.”

Senior Ryan Loftus thinks the entire idea of 3D has gone “way overboard.” Loftus’ opinion on 3D is that “the idea [was] good at first, but after awhile I would definitely get tired of everything.” Even though he has never seen a 3D movie, he explains how The Titanic in 3D would be a waste of time to watch. Loftus adds that, “It was the exact same plot as the original movie with the same scenes the only difference was it was in 3D.”

There is not a collective response from PHS as to whether 3D is a good idea or not. But, with the new technological age, it is clear that the way everyday things get done might be changed.

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