After the king of Plyshire, Mr. Coffman, drops dead, the royal court investigates his death. Photo by: Jack Bowen
By Jack Bowen
On April 13, Plymouth High School’s literary club Alpha Delta Rho will be hosting its annual Medieval Dinner.

Wanting to be the next king, Prince 2, senior Grant Ringenberg, plots to get rid of his siblings. Photo by: Jack Bowen

Chasing his lead, Bounty Hunter 2, sophomore Rachel Hartman, interrogates the royal Cook, senior Christina Schafer. Photo by: Jack Bowen
Held in the school’s cafeteria, the Medieval Dinner is a student-written play with a dinner in-between acts. As far back as November, those students participating in the Medieval Dinner started to meet after school once per week to begin writing the script. As the deadline approached, the students started meeting more times per week, so that it could be completed on time.
This year’s play will be a murder mystery. While giving a celebratory speech for the recent treaty between the kingdom of Plyshire and France, the king of Plyshire, English teacher Mr. Coffman, drops dead. His death causes an uproar in the castle, but most of all, it causes bickering amongst his triplet children over who is the rightful heir to the throne. After a proclamation of rewards for the capture of king’s murderer is released, four humorous bounty hunters and a skeptical alchemist take different leads to solving the mystery.
An hour of food and fun, this year’s play will begin at 6:00 pm with doors opening at 5:30 pm. Tickets are available with Mr. Coffman during school as well as at the door before the performance. Tickets are $5 dollars in advance and $6 at the door.