Students Plan for a Great Weekend

Showing some of his GeoFacts and his map, Zach Mahan is ready for another great weekend. Photo by: Skylier Howard

By Skylier Howard

Weekend strikes the students of PHS. The days of school pay off with the days of relaxation and fun. Many things are on their menu for excitement to keep them satisfied.

Monday can be a tiresome day; some people just do not like it. It is the start of a new week and the day after the weekend. Everyone’s little relaxation days have come to an end. As the days pass and it gradually becomes Friday, everyone then becomes excited again.  On Friday, as it hits 2:45, students experience once more the moment everyone has waited for. The weekend has arrived. Senior Zach Mahan said that, “I can’t wait for weekends because I can take a break from the demands of school and do whatever I want!”

All of the students are just so thrilled that they do not have to see school for a couple days. Not every weekend is the same, the weekend in the past was all right, but now it is time to improve from each weekend to the next making this a better one. Certainly most, if not everyone, sees it that way. Freshman Kristen McNeal says that “my average weekend is going outside, and playing ball. I like to play basketball, football, and my most favorite is softball.”

This school holds a large amount of students from grades ninth through twelfth and with all those students there are many opportunities and options they could manage to accomplish over the weekend. Nobody has the same definition of ‘A Good Weekend’ or better yet, an awesome one. It was time to explore the minds of the teens in the high school to see what they thought a great weekend was.

Mahan describes his average weekend by saying, “An average weekend is a combination of relaxing, yet busy. I listen to 80’s music [and] go outside for hours when the weather is superb. Unfortunately, I’m usually swamped with homework and can’t enjoy as much free time as I would like!” Some people have the same exact problem, even though it might be the weekday homework will continue to haunt the students. Sophomore Sarah Lindvall explains her weekend by saying, “On average it would be possibly hanging out with a friend one of the three days but mostly just finding whatever to do.”

That is just an average weekend, not much fun there. Students get two days off of school, something exciting should be done. An average weekend is all right, but an awesome weekend is better. Then again not everyone has the freedom as some people do, such as senior Timothy Gomez who says that “[Going to] work and attending church is a typical weekend for me.” Even when a work schedule floods some students’ weekend, some do not mind it or think it is something bothersome. They enjoy work and consider it as a fun-filled weekend. Gomez goes on saying that “it depends.” On the other hand senior Ryan Leslie exclaimed with a simple exclamation, “No!”

The weekend to most people is a wonderful couple days for relaxation and being able to hang out with friends and family while not having to do school work or labor. McNeal says that her element of a good weekend is “just having fun with our friends and family.” Mahan says that his is “no homework, great weather, great music, and great food, time to make maps and update my ‘GeoFact of the Day’ blog, and sleep.”

Weekends have their flaws along with their ups and downs. One day per weekend might be good and then next thing it turns into a nightmare. Just one thing could ruin a weekend, Leslie says that, “Having to work all weekend and something bad happens usually results into a bad weekend. Not getting any tips at Jimmy John’s makes me feel sad the rest of my weekend.”
Everyone has their shares of weekends that turned out horrible, McNeal says “My most horrific weekend was when I found out that my dog, Alice, had passed away and it was the beginning of the school year.”

Another decision that students go through is the day they plan to have most things to do. The day they have all their plans set. It varies amongst the students due to the fact that not everyone has a same favorite day, if even a favorite day at all. Leslie, Gomez, and McNeal all have the same idea doing things from Friday through Sunday, and it appears to work fine for them.

Weekends come and go, some better than others. It is everyone’s mission to have a great weekend and accept the fact that it is time for 48 hours of freedom.

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