PHS Students Talking about Social Media.

Freshman Layne Holloway is about to sign into Facebook and interact with her friends and update her status. Photo by: Courtney Edge

By Courtney Edge

Getting news is important to students at PHS.  Social media helps them get their news first hand.

Freshman Jordan Vermillion said he uses the computer more for homework instead of social websites. Vermillion has signed up for Facebook, and he gets on two to three times a week to look at friends’ posts and add more friends to his 200 friends already. While Vermillion is on Facebook, he does not feel the need to update his status. Vermillion understands social media and he knows what the consequences are of posting on websites.

Sophomore Ellen Smith uses her computer at home and on her free time. Smith has signed up for Facebook but not Twitter. “I am probably the only person in high school who doesn’t have a Twitter! Who knows if I will end up with one,” said Smith “I use Facebook daily.  It is social networking, so it isn’t important stuff but news gets around well on it.  I learn a lot of things from it” said Smith. Smith does not post much on Facebook. “I hardly write statuses. Sometimes I will upload photos, but I mostly comment on other peoples’ stuff” Smith said. Smith said she uploads photos so that other people can have them and so others can see what is happening in her life. There are about 700 friends on Smith’s friends list, but like she said “unlike most people, I know all of them.”

“If you put something online you can’t take it down, and then colleges could see it, and anyone can be looking at what you post; it’s kinda creepy,” said freshman Faith Hutchens.

“I have a facebook, not a twitter, I don’t understand tweeting,” said Ryan MacLain. On Facebook MacLain updates his status but he only does “sometimes not like every second or everyday like some people” said MacLain. MacLain does not really use Facebook or any other websites to socialize with friends. “It is like the last resort if I can not connect with my friends” said MacLain about socializing on Facebook.

“I get on it maybe four times a week, I am not Facebook obsessed,” said freshman Haley Balkema.  Balkema does not update her status often because she never think of them. When spending time online When spending time online, Balkema talks to her friends and looks at statuses. Balkema uses these websites to socialize and has over 100 friends.

Freshman Reneh Gambrel uses the computer “more than I should” and has signed up for Facebook and  Twitter. While she is online “talks to friends, updates people on what is going on in [her] life, and waste [her] valuable time!” Gambrel does somewhat know the consequences of posting online. Gambrel said “ I have 70-something friends. Gambrel, who keeps her friends list small, knows what to post and what not to post.

Freshman Hope Banghart has signed up for Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. Although she no longer uses Myspace. Banghart is not on  Facebook all day instead she only uses it once a week. While she is on one of those websites she checks up on her friends and groups she is in.  Banghart uploads pictures to Facebook so that way people can see what she is up to. Banghart only updates her status when she wants people’s opinion on something. Banghart knows the consequences before posting online. “Yes, it’s like life. If you don’t want a certain person to know, don’t say it” said Banghart.

Sophomore Jacob Pearson has signed up for Facebook and barely gets on. Pearson gets on Facebook to “just look around and keep in touch with lost friends and read funny posts.” Pearson uploads photos to Facebook of “wrestling pictures along with some goofy ones. So friends and family can see what I have been up to.” On Pearson’s friends list he has around one hundred friends.

Sophomore Jena Baker has signed up for Facebook, Myspace, Myyearbook , and Twitter. Baker is on these websites as often as every day so she can talk to friends. Baker has exactly 972 friends on her friends list.

Sophomore Emily Denney has a computer not just because of school but because “It is basically the center of my day because everything is done on it.” Denney has signed up for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare. On how often she uses those websites,  Denny said ”Depends.  Twitter and Facebook multiple times a day, but the others like twice a week maybe.” Denney uploads pictures to the websites she uses because “it is what cool cats do.” The amount of friends Denney has on her social websites is eight hundred but she is “working on deleting the people I don’t know because it’s kind of creepy.” Denney gets on these websites when she is bored “I don’t like have an addiction.  Well maybe a little.  But not hardcore.” Denney definitely knows what social media is and she knows about the consequences “I know they exist but I am just pretending there aren’t any until something bad happens.  Probably not the best tactic” Denney spends her free time on her favorite websites.

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