The theme for this year's yearbook is In All Directions. The staff of the yearbook is incorporating arrows to show the theme. Photo by: Patricia Ortiz
By Patricia Ortiz
Yearbooks are kept forever. In the years to come, students may look back on the PHS yearbook for the 2011-2012 school year. Those alumni will notice that the book is In All Directions.
In All Directions is the theme for this year’s yearbook. Every year, the theme is different. The theme was chosen over the summer. Senior Samantha Hellinga, Co-Editor-in-Chief, said that last summer, “we had a meeting with some of the other seniors in yearbook and talked about themes. I think it was Kylie Ludwig that came up with ‘In All Directions’ and we decided it would be a good one because of changes like getting the MacBooks. This was a major change that could send us in all directions. Examples: changes in how things are taught, how we do homework, technical difficulties with computers…” Mrs. Amy Schmeltz, yearbook advisor, explains that students “really are scattered in all directions with technology, sports, clubs, jobs, school and homework.”
The yearbook has many exciting features like the sports, student life, clubs and a variety of other sections that are sure to be amazing. According to Mrs. Schmeltz, the theme of the yearbook will be carried out “through creative captions, headlines, and the use of photos and graphic elements.” Senior Lindsey Downs, Co-Editor-in-Chief, said that because “the theme has to do with directions, we use arrows a lot.”
Both Mrs. Schmeltz and Downs agree that their favorite part of the yearbook is the cover. The cover for this year will be silver. Though Mrs. Schmeltz adds that she is also excited about the “tremendous photos the staff members have taken, the quality captions, and the cool layouts.” Hellinga’s favorite part is student life because the yearbook staff is involving a lot of out of school things that go on. She also states that involving out of school life makes it easier “to get everyone in the [year]book. Including things that happen outside of school allows us to learn things about someone not everyone already knows.”
There are multiple advantages to buying a yearbook. One of them would be that high school memories will be preserved forever. It is also a very good way to remember friends and teachers from high school. Downs explains that one of the advantages of purchasing a yearbook, “[It] gives you a chance to remember everything about you[r] time in high school.” She also says that the yearbook staff is trying to incorporate the whole student body in the yearbook at least twice, so that means that there will be pictures of everyone’s friends.
If the thought of having a silver yearbook filled with golden memories is appealing, order a yearbook now. According to Mrs. Schmeltz the price of the yearbook is $55 until the end of the school year, but the price will go up to $65 if ordered in the fall.