Students Participate in the Scholastic Art Show

"The Cubic Heart" by: Josh Cole

By Kent Gosky

Once a year, the Scholastic Art Show allows students from Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan to submit their own art to be judged. This year, Plymouth High School had numerous students that placed within the contest.

With the fine arts still well celebrated amongst school corporations, the Scholastic Art Show allows students from a variety of schools to submit their collection of artwork. Students are allowed to submit any piece of work that are in the form of drawing, printmaking, painting, sculpturing, writing and many other forms. This year, PHS had plenty of students who placed in the Scholastic Art Show.

Displaying art at PHS expresses the fine arts. Photo by: Kent Gosky

The rules to this event are pretty simple. First, it has to be a work of art that is an original idea from the student, so plagiarism is not accepted. Once a student’s submits their own work, they have the chance to place with a Gold Key, Silver Key and a Honorable Mention on another piece of work. With those regulations in mind plenty of Plymouth’s art students had no problem submitting their own work for the show.

Senior Brandon Braid won two gold keys and one silver key this year out of the 11 works of art he submitted for the Scholastic Art Show. Braid submitted three individual pieces of work and his own portfolio which consists of eight works of art including four drawings and four paintings. The theme of his portfolio was “PEOPLE.” While his own portfolio did not place any awards, Braid’s three individuals all placed. These three pieces consisted of oil and canvas to pencil on paper. The three were titled, “Young Man,” “Boy,” and “Study of Picasso’s Blue Period.” “I was excited and happy about the three individuals that I entered, getting two golds and a silver,” Braid said.

Also placing in the Scholastic Art Show this year was junior Clay Corsbie, who submitted only one piece of work placing with a Silver Key. Corsbie’s printmaking piece is titled “Arduous Voyage” which, “Is a viking ship sailing in the sea.  It represents how times were traveling and how people accomplished so much for what technology that they had back then” said Corsbie. Also, “I feel great! I was relieved to find out that my picture won a place, I had a feeling that there was a chance for my picture” Corsbie said.

Another student that entered the Scholastic Art Show was sophomore Alexandria Pesak, who attained a Gold Key at the Scholastic Art Show. Pesak submitted a charcoal drawing of her own pet dog. “I love my dog so I decided to draw her,” Pesak said, “It took me a good two to three weeks with a lot of good effort.” While a few students earned Gold Keys during the show, Pesak exclaims her own feelings, “I feel so good about it! My feelings are over the top! I received a Gold and now I am just waiting to see if my drawing moves on to nationals.”

While Braid, Corsbie, and Pesak all placed in the Scholastic Art Show, they were not the only ones to do so. Along with them were seniors Josh Cole and Aaram Kamali, junior Ramon Luna, and sophomore Olivia Coulter. Cole, Coulter and Luna earned Gold Keys, and Kamali and Luna both earned Honorable Mentions as well. An award ceremony was held Sunday, February 12, at the Bendix Theater in the Century Center. Their winning artwork can be seen in the Warner Gallery until March 3, 2012.

Below is a reflection written by Gold Key winner, senior Josh Cole.

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