By Hunter Stevens
Being a spectator at a sporting event can be a very emotional experience. Some people yell, some cry, some complain, and there is the occasional person who does not say anything at all. Either way, there are many different ways to react, but sometimes it depends on the sport.
Different sports may cause different reactions. For example, if one goes to a golf outing he is not going to yell and scream the way one does at a wrestling match. If
one does not know much about either sport, it can be very difficult to cheer on the team. Science teacher Mr. Paul Patrick says, “I am more critical of officials when I watch a sport that I know the rules of. I’m critical of football, basketball officials. Not so much for soccer or volleyball.” On the contrary Junior Ike Kastner says, “No, I do not react differently I just go crazy at all sports!”
No matter what the sport is, there is usually some type of referee or official. It is very rare that everyone agrees with a call that an official makes. Most of the time spectators love the referees when they make a call for their team, but as soon as there is a call against their team the fans get a little rowdy. Junior Andria Shook says, “Usually one does not agree with any of the calls the ref calls against your team. Then if the ref makes a bad call against the other team you think it is a great call!”
At almost any sporting event there is that one fan that stands out and wants to be noticed. Sometimes the fan is being offensive on purpose, and sometimes they are just trying to cheer as loud as possible to help out their team. Asking Mr. Patrick how he feels when there is a rebellious fan he says, “ I find it Incredibly annoying! Especially when the official is good/right and the fan is not the smartest cookie in the jar. I just get up and move away from the fan(s).” There are few, like Mr. Patrick, who do not retaliate at all to the offensive fans’ reactions, but others, like Shook, retaliate a little. “Yes I get extremely annoyed. Especially if they are from the opposing team! Usually if there are obnoxious fans, I give them a dirty look or just react how they are to show them how annoying they are being.” Then there is some, like Ike Kastner, who do not think there is an offensive fan and think that everyone should be as loud as possible.
On occasion there is a fan who is removed from the game. Everyone is entitled to cheer on his team, and on occasion have a good yell at the officials, but some just take it too far. Mr. Patrick says, “Yes, someone should get kicked out only when they are verbally abusive and causing a huge distraction or embarrassment to the game.” On the contrary Kastner says, “No one should get kicked out, it is high school. We should go nuts.” Everyone has his or her own view, but it is never fun when the most offensive fan is near.
Playing against rival teams can invigorate fans. The fans’ buttons always seem to get pushed easier in rival games. For Plymouth some of the rivals are: Concord, Penn, Northwood, and Warsaw. Shook says, “Yes, if I go into a match or game against a LaVille or Culver I am just pumped to win. But when I go into a game against Warsaw for any sport, I am not only pumped to win but I am pumped to kick their booties.” Not only is there a different attitude towards certain schools, but there is occasionally favoritism shown by the referees as well. Like any high school, Plymouth has their rivals. Being the offensive coordinator for the football team Mr. Patrick knows plenty about rivals and favoritism. He says, “Occasionally I feel like there is favoritism but only in Warsaw for basketball, and sometimes Penn for football.” Shook says, “Yes I have felt that way but then again, it is because they are making calls against my team. Nobody likes when bad calls are made against you.”
As one can see, being a spectator is a very intense, difficult job, but it is also a very important one. One will always have bad calls, bad sportsmanship, and sometimes someone will get kicked out, but no matter which sporting event, the team or individual will have die-hard fans that will do anything to cheer their team on.