2011 is Gone, but the Memories Still Remain

Junior April Hampton browsing the web for more on the Royal Wedding. Photo by: Brandon Heims

By Brandon Heims

Now that it is 2012, people have only memories of 2011; especially of the important world events that changed societies.

Many people might not know about the Occupy Wall Street protest, so they would not know how to feel about it. Later in the year of 2011, many people all over the nation began protests to fight against the richer one percent of people that are ‘writing the rules of unfair global economy.’ “They were complaining about something they can not really change,” senior Tyler Switzer said about the protesters.

One event in the world, which affected many in 2011, was the announcing of U.S. troops coming home from Iraq. Late in October, Obama made the decision to lower the flag and bring the troops home, where they would be able to be with their families. “It was a great feeling knowing that the war was officially over,” junior April Hampton said. “War is terrible and costs the lives of many men and women.” Switzer said, agreeing with Hampton about this event, “I felt it [the war] was about time to be over.” Even though soldiers are being brought home from Iraq, most hope the same will happen with soldiers in other parts of the world. “Unfortunately, we still are fighting a war in Afghanistan. Hopefully, they will come home soon,” Hampton continued.

When the 9.0 earthquake of Japan happened early 2011, it caused a tsunami which destroyed much of the coast, including a nuclear plant in Fukishima. “I felt so bad, and wanted to help the people of those nations,” Switzer said. Hamptopn also felt the need of wanting to help, “My initial thought when I heard about the Japanese 9.0 quake was shocking. I could not believe that actually happened. I felt so bad hearing that several lives were taken that day. The damage there was severe and I wish that I could have helped them recover from the incident.”

Wedding bells most likely rang all through the year of 2011, but only one was broadcasted on televisions all over the world. Prince Henry and Kate Middleton were married early in the year; the broadcast beginning at 5 a.m. in the Eastern Time Zone. “The wedding was beautiful,” Hampton said. “I watched parts of it, but I did not watch the official broadcast.” Seniors Emily Wilson and Switzer would disagree with Hampton about this moment in history. “I didn’t care,” is all Switzer had to say; Wilson said, “I know it sounds bad, but I didn’t care much for the royal wedding. I didn’t watch it at all. I actually tried to avoid it as much as possible.” So for some it was a day to remember, but for others, it was a waste of TV time.

Days that people wished would have never happened, would be the deaths of loved ones. Many people lost lives in the year of 2011, but two lives of people, who have carved their way into the world and history, would be Amy Winehouse and Steve Jobs. Switzer, Wilson and Hampton can all agree that these deaths were sad. “I think of how proud he must be now; thinking of all the success that he has had. He left such an impact on people and was a very intelligent man,” Wilson said about Jobs. “Amy Winehouse was a great singer, and it was tragic to hear of her death,” Hampton said. “I thought that when she went to rehab, that she had recovered, but I was wrong. She was a woman with so much talent, and so little time.” As many might agree with Hampton; Wilson reflected, “At least she doesn’t have to go back to rehab again.”

Through all the disasters and tragic events, the world still remains strong. In the later months of 2011, the world population had increased to seven billion inhabitants. “Wow. That’s a lot of people,” Switzer said. “Too many people,” Wilson said. So seven billion people may shock and surprise people, but for others it may frustrate and overwhelm them.

The world has been going through many years and each year has something special. People may ponder and remember these memories, but now it is 2012. It is time for people to say farewell to last year and make this year even better.

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