Everyone has goals or resolutions to make for the New Year. Whatever commitments students make, it will hopefully give them a more fun filled life. Photo by: Haylee Schuh
By Haylee Schuh
It is always said that a fresh start is always needed to become prosperous in anything individuals do. Well, New Years is not only a fresh start but something that gives students another chance to start over and learn from their mistakes. Whether students are successful or not, they take on their own New Year’s Resolution that ultimately changes them for the better, or worse.
Every time someone makes a commitment to change it is usually because of their own desires or struggles that they endure in their life. But what really gets individuals to excel is what most inspires them. Freshman Kara Gustafuson says, “Horses inspires me in all sorts of ways. They inspire me to be a good rider and be successful in life. And no matter how hard it is you still do it, you do what you love.” On the other hand, some find inspiration by reflecting on their past year’s experiences. Senior Danielle Becktel is one example. She said, “The mere thought of a new year approaching inspires me to make changes in my life. After looking back on the previous year, I see all of the things I need to change in my life.” Whatever inspires students it is their will and determination that will define their character.
When students think of a New Year’s Resolution, it could signify many possibilities that lead them on roads they never dreamed they would travel. It seems to almost surprise the student body that anything is possible. Sophomore Savannah Mae said, “New Year’s does not signify a lot of meaning to me because I believe that you can change and make a “New Year’s Resolution any day. It is just finding the will power and for most people, the idea of a New Year, is just that. Motivation.” While Gustafson said “ Since the new year I have been helping start a colt which is going wonderful. I was the first one on his back! That’s a new record,” which is one resolution she seems to have achieved.
Even though we all need to improve and change, sometimes students think New Year’s resolution are unnecessary. In terms of her schoolwork Mae said, “Like my study habits for instance. I like to study the way that I do and the way I study is the way I learn. Changing that study habit two years into my high school year is not necessary for me, that is, unless I start a new habit. A bad one. Then I will change it.” While Gustafson’s opinion differs and she says, “I don’t feel that I never not have to improve cause I need to get stronger in my faith with Christ and I need to change some more.”
After setting those goals the question is whether students accomplish them or not. Mae said, “Whether I accomplish little things, or big goals, it feels good either way. For me, I set goals everyday. Whether that is to putting my clean clothes away, or maybe even convincing my mom to help me repaint my room. So, yes I do feel like I accomplish some goals.”Junior Belinda Bottorff said,“I accomplish many goals on a weekly basis. I accomplish them because I want to have a good, fun-filled life.” Whatever goals individuals achieve they also should know that more are waiting.
So when it comes to making new decisions, new choices, and new lifestyles, people do not need to question the choice.