PHS Will Soon Say Hello to a New Foreign Language Class

Chinese I will be introduced as a new foreign language class as of the 2012-2013 school year. Mrs. Aimee Porteus(PHS Counselor) hopes that in the next couple of years PHS will also introduce Chinese II, III, and IV.

By: Patricia Ortiz

On November 28 freshmen, sophomores and juniors filled out their schedules.  For those who have not noticed, Chinese I will now be offered at PHS as of next year.

According to Mrs. Aimee Portteus, one of the reasons why Chinese I is being offered is because “Several years ago (not sure 3 – 5, I believe) a Strategic Planning Committee met with our local businessmen and mayor. At that time it was suggested by the businesses in Plymouth that Mandarin would be an appropriate skill for graduates to have.”

Chinese I will be two trimesters long like all of the other language classes.  Of course the class will count toward the diploma requirements like any of the other foreign language courses as well.

The only Chinese class being offered for next year is Chinese I.  Mrs. Portteus hopes that in the future PHS will “proceed to [teach Chinese] II, III, and IV in the coming years.”

The class will be taught at PHS, but according to Mrs. Portteus it may, “potentially [have] some enrichment coursework at LJH [Lincoln Junior High].”  Mr. Jim Condon, PHS Principal, further explained that, “Level I Chinese will begin at LJHS and PHS in the 2012-13 school year. In year two, we will continue to offer Level I Chinese at both LJHS and PHS and add Chinese II at PHS as well. In Year three, we will continue to offer levels I and II while adding Chinese III at PHS and in year four, we will add Chinese IV.”

Yet according to Mrs. Portteus, nothing is set about who the teacher will be “However, there is the possibility that the teacher will come originally from China.”  There is uncertainty as to where the teacher will come from but Mrs. Portteus says that, “We are looking to partner with Valparaiso University, and I believe the teacher will be provided by them.”  Mr. Condon also said that the teacher may come from China “as part of our partnership with Valparaiso and their Confucius Institute which partners with universities in China to promote teacher exchange programs.”

Mr. Condon said that French I will be removed, “from course offerings in 2012-13. In subsequent years, we will remove French II, followed by French III/IV. Our decision to discontinue offering French is based upon our community and corporation strategic plan which asks us to offer a curriculum that is more supportive of the skills our students will need when they compete for careers in a global market. It is no secret that China has quickly become a world leader in the business and economic community.”

Most of the students body, with the exception of the seniors, have begun to fill out their schedule.  Some students have chosen to take Chinese I for next year. Junior Anayeli Miranda is taking the class because “I find it interesting.  I think that it is an artistic language with all of its different symbols, and I find that fascinating.”

Most of the people who are taking the class are looking forward to learning about a new culture.  Junior Michaela Moreno is one of them.  Moreno adds that she is “silently hoping we get cool pencil and ink things to make the letters/symbols.”  Moreno may be looking forward to the supplies, but Sophomore Silvia Hernandez is looking forward to, “learn[ing] how to communicate with Chinese students.”

Learning a new language has many benefits.  Moreno said that one of the benefits she will receive from taking the class is, “I will get the foreign language credit I need.  Plus I have always wanted to travel the world, so if I ever go to China, this class will definitely come in handy!”  Miranda said that the benefits she will receive from the class will be that, “learning another language will really give you some knowledge that will allow you to become better with words.”

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