Students Learn About Nursing in Health Careers Class

Health Careers student Miranda Smith poses for a picture. Photo by: Kelsey Schnieders

By Jaidlyn Larimore

If PHS students ever want to become a nurse, they should take Health Careers class. Health Careers is a great class that serves as an excellent way to get a foot in the door at a medical office or hospital.
Juniors Miranda Smith and Katelyn Lowry are two students that are taking Health Careers. Smith and Lowry both said a person can take Health Careers two years in a row and get a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification.  Smith said she wanted to take Health Careers because she really wants to become a nurse. Smith thought it would be a good experience for her to take the class.

It seems that Heath Careers class can be an interesting class to take. Lowry said, “I decided to take Health Careers class because I wanted to shadow many different jobs in the medical field to steer me into a profession that I will love.” Lowry also said that, “the Health Careers class will be shadowing the third week of October.”

Smith said that she “really enjoys learning about what the field of Medicine has to offer and what it requires.” Smith is also “looking forward to job shadowing” because she thinks it will be a fun, hands on experience.

Lowry said that “so far the most interesting part of Health Careers class is learning how good of an opportunity it is to take that class if someone wants to work in the medical field.” She also stated that “it is also a good way to get a jump start ahead for college.” Lowry thinks “job shadowing will be the best part of Health Careers class.”

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